An idea I had for Scout when I was playing her extremely late and getting my ass kicked until i switched to SG:
Primary Weapon: Submachine Gun
Secondary Weapon: Doped Knife
W: Turbo Boost - Massively increases Scout’s speed for a short time. Scout’s fire rate is also greatly increased when this ability is active
E: Thunder Slash - Performs a jet-assisted, electronically charged, flying slash. Electricity chains to nearby enemies, causing them to take more damage from Scout for a short period of time.
R: ‘Reloading’ with the Doped Knife performs a Dashing Lunge. Can be triggered at any time. Scout cannot reload her Submachine Gun if it is not completely empty. Scout will still automatically reload her Submachine Gun.
F: Haze Bomb - Launches a device that emits a sparkling swarm of nanites, confounding enemy targeting systems. Scout’s targeting is increased by 50% while Haze Bomb is active. Scout cannot use Thunder Slash or perform Dashing Lunge while affected by Haze Bomb.
Misc: Doped Knife has hugely reduced range from Doped Saber and reduced damage.
The goal of this is to place the emphasis on Scout’s SG. In single fights, the goal would be to land a Dash and then strafe with SG, maybe performing Turbo Boost if necessary. In team fights, the goal would be to land a Haze Bomb and then Dash in and Turbo.
I feel like this would place less emphasis on Scout being a solo fighter that gets quickly focused down or AoE’d in teamfights. Instead, Scout would be a beneficial ranged fighter. However, to prevent Scouts from just diving, spamming abilities and sustaining everyone down, she can’t use her two most important abilities, Dash and Slash, while in the range of Haze (this doesn’t prevent her from Dashing or Slashing into the Haze). This would also fix one of my long-standing annoyances with Scout: I like using Saber Chop as a mobility tool, but it’s difficult to switch weapons, trigger, and switch back in the middle of a fight. Now, you can just use Dashing Lunge as an auto-trigger. The only issue would be how to display the timer.
Obviously, this isn’t an actual suggestion for changes to Scout. I like how she’s set up right now; I think it would be interesting, however, to see people use more of her primary.