Hello killerbean419,
After taking a closer look at this issue we made a little research about your current situation. You revealed yourself as Teleklos and you stated that your ban was mistaken, however, it is not. Your name got reported over 72 times between 2015-2016 and the administration caught you in fraganti as well. Furthermore, several players reported you and since you politely asked for these evidence here it is a little sample of your actions that caused your ban.
Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/UWoiE5Z.png / http://i.imgur.com/09V72Lh.png / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMxk7NoQPHQ
I hereby apologise if you felt offended for rja12’s words, but he hasn’t broken any rule here nor in-game, ergo he will remain unpunished. On the other hand, your past actions and behavior have consequences. If you have any remaining question please do not create any other thread and contact the staff instead. Thank you very much.