Report Players!

I can confirm him.

there’s a “new generation” hack (according to me) that’s being used by few people now… i’ve encountered one such guy named Cpl. DeadlyMuffin, who claims to have created the hack that can kill everyone at the same time in an instant in the opposing team even while they’re in the base. i couldn’t get the screenshots though…

That’s sad(if true). This is what happens when devs are so stunted in making any sort of progress. Hackers are making bigger advancements than the devs lmao

*2 more months added to the already existing anti-hack patch delay

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Webgl is coming out very soon. Should stop all these existing hacks, hopefully.

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Totally agree.

Even hackers are wise enough to develop and advanced their techniques , softwares and programs… i don’t think this world will ever change

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And even developers are wise enough to patch the hacks when it’s created…


When was the last time any hack was patched? Had to do some research, but apparently 3 years ago.
No sure if you’re trying to be witty/playful with this comment. Considering you’re not sucking up to the devs, I doubt you’re being serious.

If you did your fact checks you would notice that the lack of updates were under the old developers. Our current developers already decided to take action and utilize webgl to stop current and future hacks. I’m not sucking up to anyone and I’m being pretty serious.

Btw nice username lmfao.

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Lmapo they trollin’ me hard looooll got me dyinnnbruuh lmao I swear y’all be playin too much :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: yall trippin :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

I saw it only once.

The way the hacker moved was also less choppy (didnt feel like he was teleporting).


That bomber/159 guy just doesn’t learn eh? Thanks for that.

I just needed to feel the satisfaction of actually reporting his a**.

I remember reporting Anwar, but all he got were warnings he never gave fucks about. he had befriended a certain mod who was emotionally attached with him. I’m still amazed with how Anwar did this considering he can’t speak English to save his life. Mustve been a gullible, desperate mod

Anwar is also 159 and I got him banned a while ago for breaking a rule. Also you prob never provided proof when you reported him.

watch these :blush: and

Hacker: G2. ilyes_Z2

Ilyes_Z2 (aka x159Anwarx) hacking

bluddmess656 hacking

moaaz1121 (aka youssef9979) hacking

x159Anwarx (aka Ilyes_Z2) hacking

Some screen shots:


  • Maybe Ilyes is also ILILILILI…

berraconeitor20 hacking

Merkcher hacking

Y8 Games