Report Players!

Deuce001 (prolly Nathan, tho he was speaking Turk)

He released a new hack that allowes him to kill everyone instantly at once. Wasnt able to record him.

And you actually saw him do this? Or he just talked about it?

I saw him. We were playing and suddenly we all died, we all appeared in spawn. Where we died again, all at once. I tried to start Bandicam but it crashed. Had to redownload it, get back in the room, but was too late. Deuce was still in the room, but didnt seem to hack anymore. But he said that

I think he wanted more people to test his hacks more (I know it’s not really a proof lol).

It happened so fast I’m not 100% sure it was Deuce. Maybe it was a guest account.

matias2297 marshal refresher

Cpt.MinecraftFantasy & MSg.narkoz6134 hacking

msvipyhai is hacking

Col. waadaaw and his suppressor glitching shenanigans.
this guy has never stopped like that other suppressor guy whom i reported.
these people really need to be banned for a week or more to be learnt a lesson.
i’m sick of them.

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AA13mm hacking

ilyesmhiri hacking

MinecraftFantasy hacking

pingwin222 hacking

tramposito hacking

  • I also sent at least a dozen chat /reports. Can you see who is the sender?
  • I’ll be too busy to patrol till next Tuesday.

lft.caio789’s hacking

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I don’t know. you just stand and you immediately kill. The reason for the murder, even what the new


Thanks for reports, u can go back on ur vacation now :grin:

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can confirm narkoz6134
thanks for the reports

haker report

there is someone who said a bad word,

Sounds like “hacking hacker” to me …

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Hacker: Cpt. kamito53

Cpl. rmaendnjs3

MSg. jucaramse rapidfire

G3. or44 rapidfire

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Y8 Games