Report Players!

Well, I’m stating the truth there. Doesn’t matter if it proves the person whether he’s hacking or not. I’m just doing my job as a player.

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I know you’re telling the truth. But If they’re reviewing reports just based off screenshots and not player credibility, then idk if that would be valid.

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I feel like my time playing this game is now just me recording videos of hackers and posting them here now :expressionless:

Hacker G1.ninja78 Proof
Hacker Maj.jesus and G3.Mueremonton Proof

Three hackers ONE server :expressionless:
feel my pain… :cry: :cry:


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Hacker Sgt.yasser909 Proof

You’re not reading my post correctly. I said it’s impossible to get 49 kills with tech or shocker, not other classes.

I got 79 kills as a shocker your argument is invalid.
Best proof for hacking is video proof going through things like screen shots would take up a lot of time.

I said impossible or rare in my original post. You won’t find a shocker getting 50+ kills on a daily basis.

I understand how you’re feeling, but if you’re stressing out too much just take a break this week, there will be some changes soon and the reports are about to get handled. And let me say that your (and everyone’s else) efforts are very appreciated. <3

Oh, but mind if I ask you for proof anyway?

This is very true, but there are some occasions where you might join in a room full of newbies using Scout or some sort of fragile class and I swear that an offensive Shocker becomes even more dangerous than Blazer itself.

I cant comment for now but we will see, we might see something in the logs also or maybe if more than 1 player report about the same user than screenshot would be fine. there would be no hard and fast rule but we’ll take it case per case basis.

I think he might be trying to point out why you shouldn’t report without proof.

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Which is exactly the reason of why I’m asking him if he can back up his claim with evidence.



We can post all hacker here!
We can provide proof of this hackers
We have the program “hacker” made by: Glitch


What is the action of our Admin team?

Our Moderators can kick and keep giving kick but they are still around us!

We dont need a kick and give a message “Youre kicked from server by hacking”

We need a hard action from administration! We need a new gameguard or something like this!.. We need a major security ingame!

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Its not really stressful, although I do get bored of dealing with them all the time (main reason I stopped playing daily). Video proven hackers don’t really need to be checked that much.

So I don’t see why its taking so long to ban the people I’m reporting.

Hacker Cpt.OhMyDollz Proof

Since I doubt the mods will get the ability to ban, mods kick should at least make the kicked player unable to join the same server until the match ends.

Scout glitch at Shuttle Bay
Col. marverick -
I hope this is a clear proof.

G4. alan

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I was there, I can confirm this.^
px-0 was using orb caster hack earlier today, tried to screenshot it but failed xD

i dont think they’ll ban people for doing glitch

i have seen px-0 hacking too

Not sure about that but we’re in the same map previously before the screenshot above. He was doing the glitch. I told him to do the glitch inside an empty room and then i left. Went to the same room as Imfat and after 2 matches, he came in and started to do the glitch.

Y8 Games