Report Players!

Ok, I been here only one year, and in game time more like a month or a small time, or what ever time is needed to get to Captain (Cpt.) around 600 from Major (Maj.).

So fires let me ask you what you think/remember/have seen, what happens if some one(s) gets hit by the shockwave from a Tech (Shockers should be same strength) with full HP and shields, and the Tech has not buffed the turret/Suppressor.

Answer in PM, need threat to get back on track.

Anyways, reported everyone that was not reported already.

He probably falls on ground how shocked and waved he is, absolutely paralised from pain and suprise. What that ‘shockwave’ ability, oh so op , caused.

Any post that contain evidence/proof of suspicious actions from any player is helpful.

The scoreboard does not need a timer that indicates when was your victim killed. You can clearly see that there was a time lapse between the first shockwave and the second one. If we were to examine the screenshot with detail you’ll clearly see that “joseminyete12234” was killed shortly after INDEGO and that guest account, meaning that not even 10 seconds had passed.

True, you have 2 options: wait for cooldown to reload (which clearly didn’t happen at all) OR refresh your skills (which is still against the rules).

And here’s the core of the problem. You see, the thing is that Shockwave was not used once, but twice. The first one killed 2 players, the second one killed 1. Here, take a closer look:

If you have any remaining doubt about this issue please PM me. But know that this player was reported in the past for hacking anyway and will get banned.

PS: I know this is kind of “Off-Topic”, but I loved this:

And then later in the same post:

When exactly are you going to ban elpoder?

Was he recently reported?

i don’t know about that… but he just refresh too much and thats drive me crazy

He was banned previously for this reason. If you catch him doing it report him with proof. Or If I catch him I’ll make sure that he’s banned.

G3 Josuedestructor hacking multiple commando bombs at the centre

kiiler666 was using the shocker hack

Bighearted Bandit

Sorry its bighearted bandit

kiiler666 was hacking and said its for fun here’s the chat

it doesn’t prove that he is a hacker that much though

He has been reported a bunch of times, he hacks with shocker and assassin.

Report G4. Foxy4 for hacking!!!

Cpt.pollolocojr’s hacking

this dude glitched into gold base and killed everyone


Bunny? He is harmless

Y8 Games