Report Players!

I got PozzPenH, Xhevix, and Katirinal (I think that’s how it was spelled). I did not get the 4th hacker so can you tell me the name? Also the video is clear, but the names are not. It would be easier if you said the names with the report.


-Artix7500 (we can see at the beginning that there is also a hacker on blue, and that he is probably Zed6987 - wasnt able to record him as well) (rja, tell me if you were able to watch the video properly)

The cmd /report is working???
just im asking, im sorry x the spam

I was going to edit in the names but my software crashes from time to time. So I wasn’t able to do anything but since I already head the video rendered I thought I might as well upload it.
KatirinaL the L is capital. The 4th player was the guest on my team.

Three Hackers One server. The names will appear in call outs so you don’t need to worry about not seeing them.

Hacking Maj.SamuelB932 Proof

Hacking Mar.deathbot20 Proof And the noob was running around saying I was the one hacking lol.

BTW I wonder how this guy is gonna react to his ban. He’s in the “Three Hackers One server” video

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2016-10-31 (edit)







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Yes, It was thanks.


Cpt. eldioshacker
Cpl. FlorinGheor
Cpt. Xxchristoph3rxX
All hackers
@ArfaxOne99 can confirm the first one.

I can confirm for FlorinGheor – I wasn’t able to record him though

I caught eldios and Chris hacking earlier so I have them. 2 people can confirm for Florin, that’s good. Thanks.

MotherTeresa (threatening to hack BlackBird) and BrunoSFB (hacking)

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Hacking Cpl.halk Proof He’s now a SMg.

Two Hackers ONE server

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Was it MotherTeresa (Notice me) or MotherTeresa [Notice me]. I couldn’t tell.

I’m pretty sure it was with parentheses.


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Vivek16 do haze glitch in matches

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I confirm about Vivek16.

Also eldioshacker is hacking

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Hacking Cpt.blitzman Proof

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double proof (was yesterday)

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When you meet hackers every time you’re in a match you don’t get the time to go and check if people reported them before with proof or not and anyways the more proof the better. Right?

Hopefully this webgl thing does what they say it will do and stop the hacks for now. So everyone can just play a decent game when mods aren’t around.

Y8 Games