Report Players!

I have to ask, are these bans actually happening? and if so are they gonna be long enough to actually accomplish something? A lot of these hackers have been at it for weeks or months. some close to 3/4 of a year. Should they really be shown any mercy?

lil.kgc1 same hax as always

johanela068 also hacking.

And that absolute shit demon teleklos is still at it. If theres ever a player that deserves permaban its that souless shitheel who laughs at the devs for close on 9 months now at their inability to ban.

Please these poeple need a real punishment, 1 day takes the piss. I am now a low rank compared to a lot of hackers even after literally years of play, they all hacked theri way to marshall and just get touched up with a tickle for 1 day?? wtf man

The game is unplayable because of these hackers. At least ban their acoun ts so they have to start again ffs.

Ah wait i get it now, the whole game is actually a modern art piece shining a light on the inequality of life.
I must say it took me a while to figure it out but i’m impressed by the innovation and subtlety involved with such a clear masterpiece.
The hackers getting to keep their riches reflects modern society, if your a selfish bastard that likes to shit on others (You all know the presidential candidates names by now) then you too can have your cake and make everyone eat you.
This is offset with the counterpoint of flashy banality which is a rudimentary part of modern life (reality shows, pop culture, kanye ((wishes people knew he was jesus)) west) reflected in the act of spam as some kind of cure all ideal that if you work hard enough then you too can be a winner but in the end, apart from a select lucky few it really comes down to who had the best leg up to start with.
I bow down to your genius FFT.

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Everyone who is reported gets banned. I just gave Rodrigo the names I got for the day and he banned them all. Compared to most other days, we only banned 15 people today. Yesterday it was 29 hackers. So the hackers stop just a little, and I even got deathbot to stop hacking.

Also Ankit only wants 1 day bans because the goal is to stop all hacks in general. So once the hackers can’t hack anymore, they will turn into regular players. I do agree that they deserve longer bans, but it’s Ankit’s decision at the end of the day.


Also Ankit only wants 1 day bans because the goal is to stop all hacks in general. So once the hackers can’t hack anymore, they will turn into regular players

If all that will result from the reports in this thread is a day’s ban, then the reports here are nothing more than a Placebo Button, and one that is really hard to push too (gathering hacker nicknames, gathering useless evidence, writing all that down here, etc). I mean, from the game’s owners’ standpoint it’s kinda useful in that it can somewhat mollify the players who suffer from the hackers, but for the players themselves all it does is waste their time with implied false promises.


How is it a false promise? The day bans are just a temporary fix until they implement webgl which will make the game extremely difficult to hack. They’re actually banning players, so it’s not a false promise. The day bans are short, but I know I have something to actually look for which is the patch of the hacks in general. Which is why I kinda just roll with it.

also we will demote every hacker so dont worry they might loose their all progress and if we ban them now demote them now

  • They can create new account
  • Hack again to promote themself.

and i dont want a player to have 50 accounts on FFT. dont worry this is all about few more weeks everything gonna be sorted soon.


Yup. I also have all the hackers name documented, so I’m keeping track.

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yes webgl should fix it.

Yes we have 2 internal players/mods always playing game :slight_smile:

and you can contact them for anything.

and about your other issue, I’ll see how we can fix them.


Lol, I spend hours on this game looking for hackers myself and trying to get them banned. This is all volunteer work and I don’t get paid for it. I take time out my personal day to do this stuff because I actually love the game. So before you you try and bash people learn your facts. You’re just a negative person and you’re always trying to bring someone down.

You should appreciate the fact that FFT has new owners trying to fix the hacks and you have mods who are volunteering to actually help the game. For the past week I probably only got to play 3 normal matches. My time has just been spent going room to room and writing down hackers. If you’re never going to have anything positive to say, don’t say it at all.


I don’t know why @rja12 and @Ankit , are wasting time talking about @Gjipie .
He is like the perfect troll/baiter of kongregate offtopic. Just ignore his ignorance…

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This is a report players thread, please don’t start arguments here. You can use your private messaging.

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k just stop fighting becuz Im always getting things that are off topic…this is for report players…not conflicts…just saying @Gjipie because theres no reason you should be starting fights with other people for no reason…

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Dreico (bug abuse - suppressor)
bewitching cat

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minio and zanark 23 and burkburki


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G1.Hadi hacker please report him


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But I saw no for either round use hack

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Y8 Games