Report Players!

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lol what

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

honestly…people have every right to speak however they want too…its Canada…AND STOP TALKING SH*T ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE!!! I said my words…
now back to topic…cuz this isn’t a free for all…its for reporting not off topic things…Agreed?:no_mouth:

if this is a she that’s talking your right

your talking about me wow just leave me alone

why don’t you just mind your own bussines

It is not Canada it is the internet, at the end of the day you can do almost whatever you want. Can we all agree to shut up.

k…I agree

wow egregious, do not come to our place of commons and tell us what to do, this place was created by us. No one was talking directly at you anyway.

Can you guys use your private messages to talk about off-topic things? Also kristy you can click the pencil to edit your post and make it into one. Please stop spamming.


Ok, I’ll just flag instead.

so it seems that this guy is a hacker .whenever we report he replies on behalf of them lmao.

Mahendra was referring to gjipie as a hacker, not Ryan. I think we are looking at a person with something my friend had.

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STOP SPAMMING, dear God. Please stop. This thread is very important in this games lifecycle. We need to keep it organized and on-topic so that the team can do their job the best that they can.

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There is a daily limit to how many posts we can flag? That’s dumb. Hopefully Ankit takes care of the spam right away.


Get a room people… ffs.
This is the report thread.


its not everyone you know smartie

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I’m 19 in nov and fluffy is 16 on 18 October

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Y8 Games