Report Players!

“His buddy royal”. Yeah bish, call my name.

I know. I was trying to get a decent screenshot. He’s just roaming around map right after you left.

G5.Razengan & G1.ikecentury hacking.

MAREK6000 is hacker

Sgt. ga7eemoo hacking

Zerano2003 hacking

Sgt.ga7eemoo hacking
plz confirm him

Whisper just sent that hacker,but its good if have someone to proof it

Screenshot = Proof, bro

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yeah i thought it will make the hacker get ban or put on time out faster

It’s cool if someone can confirm it. We are doing bans on every 2 days, if that helps.


EmanSipil hacking

asking accounts

Because he knows he did something wrong that worth a ban, which is asking for accounts and he did not get banned for it, ever
He wants to make sure he doesn’t get a ban because of someone said he hacked.
Now because I and andrea have the proof that he asked for accounts, getting a ban because of it is a common thing, because people know him as asking for accounts
@Ankit what do you think about this? He kept asking for skins/accounts, what do you feel about this? Will anas get a ban for it? I got the proof if you want

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I can confirm

Nothing clear in above screenshot.

Mahendra first asked: you want my password.

I assume you meant that for Mahendra’s screenshot if so
Ill give the the screenshot I spoke of

Y8 Games