@Ankit @deaaa0803 Sarah_the_noobki got her account glitched she used to be a maj now she’s G4
That heal like thing happened to me before, while i was playing with a hacker, it’s weird af
Can you fix my glitched account?
@Ankit Some players with glitched account that doesn’t visit the forums was complaining that their account was demoted and lost all their permanent heroes… TBH I think its fair to bring their original rank and heroes back.
- Jellal_Killer
- Patrick
- PlantsVsMonster
Not Marshals,like they claim to be.
I’m sure on Jellal_killer and Patrick since I know/play with them alot… Not sure on PlantsVsMonster, he claims to be a marshal, and its the 1st time I played with him awhile ago.
That’s exactly what you’re suppose to do to find out if someone is hacking…
Sarah, they will fix your account but its taking time, you have to wait a little bit
please ask them to post here.
PlanetsVsMonster isnt a marshal, same thing for PlanetsVsGiants
he was with glitch
Just make it clear, he was a mar after or before the bugged rooms?
I was at lunar then me and robo got blind screen, turned black
Plants was like G1 or something like that when I saw him. Ill check rest 2, but i really doubt they didn’t glitch.
ok,thank you Mahmmouda:slight_smile:
I’m 100% sure Jellal_Killer and Patrick’s rank were glitched since I play with them often. They also told me what happen and they asked help from me.
But did they told you about the glitch room?
I saw Patrick’s rank (G2) last time before I temporarily quit this game. Idk/or haven’t seen Jellal’s glitched rank and it probably happens some time I left FFT.
Using Firefox, I can not load the game, but Unity is installed. How can I fix?
If you’re using firefox 52, downgrade it. or either use another browser,
ie; Safari, Internet explorer. Unity web player wouldn’t work with the
latest version of firefox, not anymore at least!