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Hi, You are playing game on or ?

A post was split to a new topic: Track Loader

I’m playing on but I just tested and the same happens on

It doesn’t happen with other WebGL games on like this one:

So I think it must be some issue withe the game itself.

It seems like the game wants to run in 1280 x 768 instead of my 1280 x 800 and something goes wrong.

Here is a very short clip that shows exactly what happens:

Those black bars appear and everything gets shifted up just a notch. As you can see, the mouse mapping is affected by this as well.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Track Loader

I’m getting that problem too. It’s really annoying, especially since everything clickable {in settings & menu} are off and I have to click below the setting I want to change. It seems to be throwing off the game somewhat also.


i am having some problems with changing weapon
the moment i scroll down,the whole screen moves down :confused:

@armyguy This bug is from Chrome side, you might need to email chrome developers for that.
We already reported to them here

Are you on Firefox as well?

I just hope it gets fixed, some update on the 4th September must have triggered this because I was playing the evening before and everything was fine.

I don’t think Firefox had an update on that day.

Yes, we are looking into it.

también tengo el mismo problema :I

Thanks devs! :slight_smile:

Yes, Firefox {45}. It had been working great up until this started. I have my FF updates turned off {never did like stuff automatically updating} so it wasn’t the update that messed it up for me.


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Could you clear browser history and see if its fixed now? @Zozzle @BlueDragonFire

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Seems to have worked! I didn’t play at the moment but made it full screen and left it for a bit and it didn’t readjust.Thanks a bunch, Joll!!


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Fixed! Thank you so much, you’re the best! :slight_smile:



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cuando juego y cambio de arma ya sea con cualquier personaje se me cambia la mira haciéndome imposible hasta de atacar se me mueve en si todo el personaje 
 solo pasa cuando cambio con la rueda del mouse
solo juego en google por que en firefox tengo mucho lag .
A pesar que borro cache y todo me va mejor en google .

Translation, @Nox @Ankit
While i’m playing and change weapon with scroll to button, the character it moves completely, making me impossible to attack, just happens when change weapon with scroll button.

I only use Google to play because firefox is too laggy for me, even if i clean cache.

@hendricKson es un error de Google, el cual ya esta reportado, se un poco mas paciente, no es algo que los desarrlladores del juego puedan solucionar.

Already answered here :slight_smile:

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Y8 Games