Tech suppressor turret doesn’t work
please fix it
Yes, turret will be fixed in next update
Oh my god, Just reduce the lagg
Can u tell me what is lagging for u? Like to explain it a bit or point on certain things?
The damn screen lagg, lol.
Eh that means nothing basically. Explained in some post difference between lag and delay, so u can find and compare these 2.
You don’t really have to be… you know what, and i don’t really see how “Lag” needs an explaination?
Multiple Bugs:
System is Mac OSX El Capitan, the game worked flawlessly back on Kongregate.
All browsers are up to date
Safari (Version 10.1.1):
Basically everything normal until you get to the “Warping to [Map]” loading Screen, the game crashes and displays the following Error Message:
“Out of memory. If you are the developer of this content, try allocating more memory to your WebGL build in the WebGL player settings.”
I have 16 GB of memory and the applications seems fine in the task manager at about 1.5 GB memory used and plenty of unused memory.
Chrome (Version 59.0.3071.115):
As soon as I open the page, the following message appears:
“You need a browser which supports WebGL to run this content. Try installing Firefox.”
I have enabled hardware acceleration and all settings related to WebGL but the message still appears.
Firefox (Version 54.0.1):
Firefox works the best at the moment, in that I can actually play the game, but there are still bugs:
I can’t change my hero class. When I click on another Hero besides the Gunner, nothing happens but in the “Warm Up” Phase, the hero starts glitching around the different Spawning positions, until the actual game starts,
Safari : We’ll fix the issue.
Chrome: Mac with Chrome, isnt an issue on our end, you might want to contact apple support.
Firefox: We’ll test and let you know, it can be an issue on latest version, we did updated something related to that, thanks for reporting it
Firefox: We’ll test and let you know, it can be an issue on latest version, we did updated something related to that, thanks for reporting it
Small correction: Now that I have created an account I seem to be able to chose a hero if I do it before joining a map, although it still doesn’t work during the game.
Just wanted to thank you guys for finishing the Kong transfer tool, works perfectly and I only feel a little guilty about the huge power difference
I still had a few issues; there’s some pretty major lag on the European servers - hyper-sensitive mouse movements, 400-1000 ping for every player and some major delay times (jumping several frames, not registering damage until you’re already dead, etc) - and if I switch teams during a battle, it doesn’t register at the end of the battle so if my original team loses, so do I.
Honestly though these are the only problems I’m having and they’re pretty insignificant in my opinion, just being able to play again without hackers is fantastic! Good job!
Thanks for your great feedback. @Bobbysocks
We are currently focussed on improving lags in game(which might occur on low end systems).
Regarding delay and ping, we have that big task in our pipe, should be done soon. Will try to take it on priority.
about ur 16gb - thats ur pc memory. fft uses browser one (sadly)
if u have a gaming mouse - change dpi
if u dont, change mouse sens on pc/in game directly.
No gaming mouse but the sensitivity isn’t constant, it’ll be hyper-sensitive if I’m facing the center of the map or getting close to 3+ shooting players so if I lower the sensitivity it’ll be too low the rest of the time. I don’t mind though, it doesn’t always happen and I just thought it might be handy to know.
[quote=“Bobbysocks, post:367, topic:2061, full:true”]
Just wanted to thank you guys for finishing the Kong transfer tool, works perfectly and I only feel a little guilty about the huge power difference [/quote]
Haha, agreed. But that’s the way to learn: die thousands of times and hate G’s and Marshalls untill you can beat them
2 questions (without acritude, just to know :p):
- The pings will be better in the future?
- The textures of HP, bombs and megadamage will change? That grey makes bleed my eyes, it looks as incomplete
+1 lol
about this:
not everyone thinks like that. some ppl gonna find it boring to die constantly. i mean, i had lft in team who didnt figure out whats objective on moon base.
@Bobbysocks i didn’t have that, but i did have jerky camera switches around.
[quote=“Dea83, post:374, topic:2061, full:true”]
not everyone thinks like that. some ppl gonna find it boring to die constantly. i mean, i had lft in team who didnt figure out whats objective on moon base. [/quote]
Well it’s obvious nobody likes to die constantly, but we’ve all been newbies at some point; and we’ve all been the toy of “pro’s” at some point. Probably, at the beggining, almost all of we stayed weeks (or months) without know what’s the objective of a map. And like the 99% of games there is only 1 way to solve it: ask what you don’t know and die until you have the skills to dont be killed. It’s the circle of life (Lion King dixit )
Well Said