i play in y8 but everytime i log back on, i lose my money and xp. could someone help?
but not my killstreaks
was there any issue with forums?
i was unable to login for days,website just gets crashed and i an errors poped every time i tried to login.
but finally i can login now
Yes there was a issue but have been fixed now…
i cannot level up nor earn money because every time i relog it resets my money and my xp
lol mines 390
Reload page like 4 times…no repond…why?
Ignore those faces,i accidentally add them…i’m serious,no funny
The images don’t seem to upload. I wonder if that’s a problem with the site or with my pc.
Try to reupload.
Training arena has no borders
we can go straight out of the map
They made it that way i guess or its a bug?
Kinda like no wall that can make player go out of the arena…
I tried but no luck.
I LOST EVERYTHING! … i logged off and when i logged back in the next day my stuff got reset … i lost every hero i bought which was shocker and blazer and i got all of my skills reset… can u help?
Would be lovely if u leave ur in game name.
I want to report something useful for bombers !!! Idk if this just was for me or for all bombers ,but after i used all my bombs, sometimes i get 4 or 5 ,after the e button is empty i could still drop bombs.Just sometimes. I said that because i dont want to get banned . I dont hacked. It’s just a big bug .Very useful . I don’t know how happened this
Kimi,if u are not sure about something,please don’t reply on it. I keep deleting these posts, but u keep doing the same over and over.
@stefanstefanutzu85 reported this issue before, yes, that is a bug. Thanks for the report,i’ll try to report once again and see what can be done about it.
Okay,im sorry…but i only wanna solve my problem…that’s all
Anyway,thank you for saying that…sorry for everything for what i said…
My money keeps resetting to whatever it was last time, i have 1000 caps right now, i play some games, get 1400 caps, refresh the page, and i have 1000 again, this is annoying, the only way i found to earn money is to buy upgrades, where apparently your money saves, this should be fixed asap tbh.