how to avoid the cold tell me your tips please
I am dying of cold
Think warm thought
Ur welcome
Do u want to be friends
I don’t have many friends so thanks
@ discobot quote
You have two ways, the first is to sleep and sleep with your lover or lover and you will feel warm, and the second is to put on warm clothes and you will get warm.
My friend from Canada tells me it’s-45c where he is, he recommends 2 pair of socks, long johns, jeans and a hoodie. And for outside snow pants coat toque balaclava and mitts.
thank for your´s tips
This is queen on another account how are you doing
Одеться потеплее и выпить горячий чай)) А я бы ещё и под одеяло залезла))))
start taking cold showers. Once you start taking it, the outside cold temperature won’t have any effect on your body.
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