Patch notes 1.0
What is fixed?
- fixed glitching outside of the map
- wrong color of base on Gold team
Shuttle Bay
- fixed players getting stuck in wall of the ship
- improved it with more visiable text and arrow for buying Gunner and upgrade
- Turrets beam is now working properly
Fixes on errors/bugs:
- quit option no longer give error while quitting during respawn time
- name of room is now displayed by pressing Tab
- Shift+P disabled while being in chat
- backspace now deleting only one character
- log out option fixed, now allows player to log out
- lobby filters fixed, maps with players are on top now
- visual bug with displaying different (red) ping than in lobby is fixed
- player no longer gets AFK mode while using Q ability on Gunner
In case any player still faces any of listed issues, use ‘Report bugs’ topic for it and let us know!
More changes and fixes will come in near future.
Thanks for patience and reports,
FFT team.