Patch notes

Patch notes 1.0

What is fixed?



  • fixed glitching outside of the map
  • wrong color of base on Gold team

Shuttle Bay

  • fixed players getting stuck in wall of the ship


  • improved it with more visiable text and arrow for buying Gunner and upgrade



  • Turrets beam is now working properly

Fixes on errors/bugs:

  • quit option no longer give error while quitting during respawn time
  • name of room is now displayed by pressing Tab
  • Shift+P disabled while being in chat
  • backspace now deleting only one character
  • log out option fixed, now allows player to log out
  • lobby filters fixed, maps with players are on top now
  • visual bug with displaying different (red) ping than in lobby is fixed
  • player no longer gets AFK mode while using Q ability on Gunner

In case any player still faces any of listed issues, use ‘Report bugs’ topic for it and let us know!
More changes and fixes will come in near future.
Thanks for patience and reports,
FFT team. :slight_smile:


Patch notes 1.1

What is fixed?


  • fixed bug which didn’t allow players who had numbers in password to transfer acc, it’s working normally now
  • players now can use specific symbols in passwords or letters from their native languages (not usernames)

Other changes:

  • ammo, health pack and mega damage now has a color
  • FX from gravity boots is back and more visable than before
  • armor FX; added effect when player recive or deal damage

Patch notes 1.2

What is fixed?

  • saving to database was bugged, it’s fixed now
  • optimised server to use less memory
  • lag in game is reduced
  • being stuck on load screen is fixed

Note: With browser changes/updates, game might change a bit too. Currently is working the best on Chrome.


Patch notes 1.3

What is fixed?

  • optimised WebGL version
  • optimised Servers
  • better response-time from server. delay is slightly reduced
  • idnet users stuck on loading profile (some players still had this issue after last fix on it)
  • defeat screen after winning the game is fixed now
  • players unlocked skills, kills & assists when user leaves the game room is fully saved now, earlier this used to save after 20 min, when match was over, and some users lost their kills/skills if they left game in between
  • loading bundles in game should show proper percentage of game load (in numbers)
Y8 Games