Panda talk & whatever

Who do you guys think were/are the most legendary players? I don’t necessarily mean legendary as in the best, or amazingly skilled. I mean legendary as in famous and possibly (though not necessarily) overrated. Example: Goku.

We’ve had enough of those threads.


And you’re inciting a flame war.


Every player we still remember, and those that were unfortunately forgotten in the winds of time. To the past, present, and future players. You are all an amazing part of the community, thank you all for such an amazing memory.

Sounds like you leaving us. Don’t go. :cry: :cry:

Dont be such a lil bitch dude, im not leaving. Yall would be bored without me haha.

i wish i was legendary :frowning:

Same tbh :smile:

Italian Panda and Spanish Hedgehog

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When you use the term legendary i just get a mental image of a monobrow for some reason

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Ill skip another popularity contest.


I am.

A moderator should lock this post simply because this is gotcha cause flame war etc. Everyone believes himself/herself that he/she is the most popular and legendary member in FFT no doubt… case closed.

I am the least legendary Commando, and i am pretty happy about it.

Kuram and toad the commandos of the century

I can name some legendary gunners. That’s about it

The best commando 2016

someone lock this idk how on here

Legendary Shocker lel

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I’m a legendary Blaster.

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Y8 Games