Orion sandbox

Hello, I just completed all the quests. I got my new Workshop, Throne and Mech Golem. But when I logged back on later, my Workshop had disappeared! Can anyone help me? PLEEEEEEASE I want my new workshop back why did it just vanish??? HEEELP MEEEE!!!
And does anyone know how to get circular saws or batteries? Do you have to kill a Mech Golem?
Thanks. HELP!!

you make a wall for example a dirt wall out of one dirt

rock monster statue is bad,it is the gargoyle and if you are lvl 30 plus than it comes alive at night and it is like the wither in minecraft you can kill it but very hard and destroys block so if you find it near your house move away from it

the book of mystery is cobblestone deep on the far right

how do u get geliney

:stuck_out_tongue: hahahaha!

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esta en la casa del enano de que tiene armadura
de oro que tengas buena suerte buscando ;]

panget paren talaga na man o

panget mo

can you add mulitiplayer pls it would be fun and i like this game

comose juega mulitiplayer

oi eu queria saber se alguem quer ser meu amigo? slight_smile:

angela, vc fala portugues?
se sim queria saber se vc quer ser minha amiga?! :smile:

the productor of this game can introduct a gargoyle with two heads

oye sabes como hacer que gargolyle pelee conmigo siempre voy y nuca se mueve:cry:

Tem Como Joga Junto ?

Tem Como Jogar Junto ?

does anyone know how to catch a shrew, like what to press to catch it, I have tried many times and still can’t catch one.

just keep trying it sounds like your doing it right it took me sever trys the frist time but now i have 2


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