hello, when will you organize a tournament
Game needs a lot of fixes before doing some ‘fun’ updates, so if that happens, won’t be anytime soon.
pfff too bad for me and others players who are impatient to play a tournament.
Well do u want to play Tournament in fixed game, without bugs and hackers or with all of this?
No I don’t want it !
good now you understand
Even if we were to hold a tournament,Its nearly impossible if we have a horde of players waiting to join each server.
A good suggestion would be holding events,If my memory is correct,we have held a tournament once.
Holding events as in,selecting a specific map,for a certain amount of time where you allow the certain players who you have chosen for the tournament.
The random joiners would be kicked?..
But first,we need these hackers out of the game!
Gotta say,Keep it up mods and devs!
I miss the sniping tournament, was really fun…
I think i progressed through 2 rounds on TP’s tournament without firing a shot
This game lacks many things needed to make an official tournament.
- No clans
- No in-game boards that shows current/upcoming events.
- Hackers.
- Private rooms.
- Lack of loyal players that will actually stick with the tournament.
- Lack of people good in each individual class now. Now all I see when I play are random players I’ve
never seen before.
About a year ago TurkeyPie tried to create a gunner tournament and it went to hell after a while. So in order for anything like this to happen this game will need more features.
Wat do u mean ?
Like after people sign up, they disappear and never participate.
ya But they could have some problems Like timezone or other …
Ok?..That doesn’t change the fact they didn’t participate in the tournament. If they have some type of issue, telling the tournament host that they won’t participate will be perfectly fine.
Ya I agree they should tell that to host at the start of tournament …
Foreal they should tbh bro smh lol lmfao.
i miss my clan ‘the toilet pawner’
Ahw that clan is flushed
That’s not really a clan.
He meant on guilds, not some forum clans.