So here it is:
Cannot listen?
I can’t listen to the songs due to them being local files.
Updated! ^^
below here are the Lyrics
it is in your eyes a colour fade out
Looks Like a new transition
it’s starting up and shaking your ground
turning your head to see a new day calling
does it feel (6 times)
i Lift you up
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I want to make my family proud
Oh wait. Actually let’s be quiet for a moment then do later in the basement.
You can sent message to discobot in private chat
But Okay you wanted to show it to us over here so never mind
But unfortunately discobot can only understand English Language
I was messaging bot in public to see what people say about it but i guess it’s dumb to read. Discobot only understand english?
Well yes because he forgot to read books for since 89 years now and he still only understand english for the past 97 years since he knows the languages well in the past tenst.
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