Talk about things not related to FFT.
Inspired by /144 or Kongregates FFT Off Topic thread.
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Because Canada wanted it, so why not. When has Canada ever been wrong?
Did you get permission from Ankit?
If this thread gets approved, then there wouldn’t be any use for the old forum.
But… all those wonderful memories…
Who am I kidding, I was never active on that forum. The only time I was active was when I had that urge to make some skins for FFT. And here I’m active cause “must ban hackers”
I kinda still wanna keep OT at the other forum just for the memories.
I kinda agree tbh. I’m not gonna make any more posts on this thread for at least 2 minutes as a protest to this page
Damn i just couldn’t hold out. Sorry guys the protest failed, i feel like i’ve let you all down
Hello guys!!! how are yah???
What have you done, you fool!?
I had to, the Kong one was getting deserted.
@Gjipie Planter Calypso, Tera, and Aion: Ascension are good ones
sorry guys no off topics under dedicated “FFT Sub Forum” please, I’m moving it to the players section.
But use the off topic here, it’s not dead, just moved to be offered to all players
I like turtles.
Hello! im good:) and about you?
Pretty good xD
20 characters thing…