okay do whatever you want
now if you have a computer or a handphone mobile at home
what would you want to do?
go to google and look for this
- roblox
- minecraft
- Genshin impact
- CS GO (Counter strike Global Offensive)
- Valorant
- Y8
- call of duty warzone ( there are many other call of duty games )
- Apex Legends
- PUBG Player Unknown Battle Grounds
- Fortnite
- Overwatch
- League of Legends
- the battle cats
- pokemon shuffle
- among us
- H1Z1
- fall guys
- mobile Legends
- the house 2 flash horror game
chat websites:
- youtube
- discord
- tik tok
- discobot forum
songs music that i know:
- Evil activities nobody said it was easy ( year 2008 )
- styles & breeze you’re my angel
now when this forum is dead it could be a bad thing
but i say it is not a thing you be angry about @xHaVoc