In-game rules
These are just a few basic rules that you should play by.
Note that you should always use common sense in the first place.
Languages include:
Credits to TurkeyPie, SupersSonics, a_nothing., arharr3, and UM_a for creating the contents of this thread.
English Version
Users should not take any action likely or intended to:
- Harm anyone in any way
You should not insult other players. ‘Noob’ or ‘you suck!’ is perfectly fine if not used constantly, but “Die in a fire, you sack of horsecrap” and similar things should not be used. Remember that you can mute players with the /mute username command!
- Hacking
This should go without saying. You should never hack to get an unfair advantage. You should report hackers in this this thread. Make sure you have proof of the player hacking, like, for example, a video in which the hack and the player’s name is clearly visible. Note that you should report players that hacked the high-scores to Kongregate.
- Glitching
Glitching is the act of taking advantage of bugs. Glitching can be fun,right? Right, but not for your team mates or the enemy team. Those who wish to glitch are free to do so in non-active rooms ; rooms in which no one is going for the objective, such as empty rooms. You should ask players that glitch in active rooms to either help their team or leave to a non-active room. More harmful glitches that cause a lot of lag or give an unfair advantage (e.g. refreshing HP/skills) are prohibited. Report the players that use them anyway in the report players thread with solid proof.
• AFKing
AFK: Away From Keyboard. Basically, AFKing is when you’re in a match, but don’t play, so you get XP and cash without doing anything. Both leaving the game open without playing at all and only chatting without helping your team are examples of AFKing. You should report AFKers in this thread. Make sure you have proof of the player AFKing. This can be multiple screenshots of the stat page, showing that the player doesn’t die/kill/assist kills, or a simple video.
• Colluding for cash/XP flowing
Also known as ‘easy/fast money’. Players should try to win matches, or at least contribute to their team. Taking turns in winning is not allowed. You should report the ones that do this using the /report username command or by making a video.
•Asking for passwords and sharing/selling accounts
You should not ask players for their password or trick them into giving you their password. Even if it’s voluntary, sharing or selling FFT accounts is not allowed. Accounts that you create should only be available for you. You should report the ones that ask for passwords or try to share or sell accounts with the report command.
• Inappropriate content
Whether it is a link or just text, keep in mind that the minimum age of players is 13. You should never share links containing inappropriate content in the in-game chat or send inappropriate text. Again, report players that do with the report command.