If u can remove one thing from world,what will u do?

i will remove examination.:neutral_face:


i will remove girls
because they look too interesting

ur so humorous

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I would remove the negative thoughts, and leave only the good, as I wish everyone good and positive! :globe_with_meridians: :hearts:


u r a so kind person


i will remove the flies.

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I will remove lies and selfishness and negative thoughts and people who bully :innocent: :+1: and two more things to remove too, summer and exams :joy: :rofl:


That’s not good, I have liked all comments except your’s, and if there are no girls then no boys, think about it! :innocent: :rage:

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i like summer,and hate winter.

summer is a good season,ice cream,cold air conditioning,and most important is tht summer vocation!

:wave: Greetings! By the way, I love summer :city_sunrise: and winter :snowflake:, because they have many pluses, but also many minuses, summer is too hot, winter is cold, but for me only one pluses, as I love all earthly seasons, where you want to pour cold water, where you can sit under a plaid drinking tea and relax, personally I find my beautiful pluses, peace and goodness in everything! :hugs: :heart:

where timezone u there?

your reply r so beautiful!

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Thanks for sweet words for me! :bear: :wink:

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I like winter, and I hate summer, because its so hot, I kinda get unconscious, It so sweating to go to school and even ice cream is very expensive in my country, and electricity bill touches the sky, only rich people can afford air conditioner, and here’s the reason that why I like winter, that Heaters are all types, solar, electric and gas. I/we have electric heater in in our house, which warms room in half an hour, and even hot hot soups which costs less. and hot hot tea, awesome hot hot food, I like winter because of these.

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Yes summer vacations i like them, but its still sweating season, and yes also winter has less holidays because summers are long and winters and shorter. In my country winter lasts for 3 months, and summers are too longer like about 8 to 9 months, NoW wHaT dO yOu SaY aBoUt ThIs!!!

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sry,i forget the different of countries.

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It is very expensive. Not for you people but for us it is. Nowadays, an ice cream costs if very expensive then goes to PKR 250. and electricity bills are almost about in some homes PKR 60000, not mine electricity bill but all most many people have this amount of bill

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