Idk what to put in here


Sick. Many flash games are wild, there is one where you have to shoot mexican inmigrants trying to get to United States. There is even a pregnant girl which gives more score for shooting her :skull: .

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merci beaucoup

The era of flash games (not so long ago) was that of an era with freedom of tone quite unprecedented, for better and for worse.
Today everything is much more “smooth”, a symbol of a society with much less freedom of speech and thought, but where people are supposed to be less offended.
Good or bad, everyone will have their own opinion on the matter.

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I pretty much lost that era, unadvantages of being young, but when I see old videos I understand how was it.
It is okay that people used the games as a way of criticism to many ideas, or just as a joke which should not be taken seriously, and its true that in the actuality, many people blame them for being a message of violence, when actually that people are using violence and hate against that content, instead of critics with arguements. And this is not thing of today or of flash games (altough it started hapening way more in the actuality), for example, when Doom came out, the fathers of the kids who played it accused the game for being satanic (altough the game was about KILLING demons lol), making the kids violent and having too much blood. All these polemics surged pretty much at the launch of Doom. The game isn´t even that bloody (considering that it is not a kids game), and it is not going to make a truly harm, people just has eritrophobia (fear to the colour red) and cannot handle a pixel of the colour red. They also blame the game for being too violent for their kids, when if it actually is too violent for kids, it´s the fathers fault for giving their kids a game for adults. It is the same parents who give the kids access to the dangerous internet, than who are annoyed for it´s content ¿What kid, around my age didn´t play GTA V in his childhood? as far as I know, it isn´t a kids game, ¿right? again, the parents complain about the game and report Rockstar Games ¿Who were the ones who bought to his kids a 18+ game? The parents. These people has to learn to difference between a joke or critic content, to a hate and unnecesary one.
Beacuse yes, I believe that, even in that era, there is content that foments violence, hate and untollerance in all ages of people, beacuse, call me crazy but I think that the game where you torture Jesus only seeks to share the worst thoughts of the people. And they´re not lossing any freedom, these people did what they wanted without any consecuence any more than the critics or hate of people like me, which is always a compromise when sharing your opinion, being politically correctly or not. Everybody has the right to be a jerk, but it doesn´t mean these people aren´t bad for doing a game where it tries to convince the player that catholics are dumb. At the end, the hate just makes all of this harder to discuss and solve properly.
(My pc crashed on the middle when writing this, I had to write it all again :clown_face: ).


It’s crazy how people used to freak out about them. I grew up playing all sorts of stuff, and I turned out alright.

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Y8 Games