yeah i played that yestherday well it wasn’t that fun cauz
when i play yestherday it only 3 people that play:joy:
I remember a time when the game was filled with veterans of 14 player rooms. I wish I could just go back to the good old days when the game ran on unity webplayer
yeah it kind of boring right now just kidding:joy:
What do u think about the game
It’s not the same. I miss all the veterans, currently there are only 4 or 5 veterans left active today which is quite sad
When your first time play this game?
Do u think it fun or not
yeah lol
What I would like from the game, I just want the old LEGENDARY graphics to come back, they look a whole lot better than the current graphics right now
In comparison
Old graphics make all the characters look like their armor look like metal
Current graphics make the characters look like the armor is made out of plastic
This is what I mean
Yeah it look more better than now!!!
But u still miss the old one lol
Lol BTW your so kind:heart_eyes:
Yeah i like this game too but i move on lol
lol your welcome
Yah, but I might think about making a game like freefall tournament but using a different but better webgl engine than unitywebgl
I use to play hide online
Yeah lol