How to chat with friends over Y8?

Hi there,

I’m new to Y8 and wonder how to make friends here.
Facebook, Twitter, and something like that is not my choice.

I want to learn first how to send a message over here to get a closer friend.
So far friends over this website are just friendly people who allowed me to get achievements in games.

But hey how do I simply say “Thank You” to them?

Kind regards,

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hey im not talking people anymore


Wrong chat maybe?

Do you mean to message someone here?

I meant to message someone on Y8 but somehow the forum doesn’t seem to be connected to the general website to me.

Discord might be a better choice to connect with friends but I still want to have a look at Y8.

Just message them.

Sorry my fault!

It’s not allowing a script to run in a browser.
Sometimes I tend to think that everyone has the same problem to deal with.
My assumption was that the Y8 website is easily connected with the Y8 forum.

Thank you for your reply!

Hi my friend,you doing better today? Is lioil your new man lol

Hi there hun!

Nope the website is still the same and I miss kongregate. :wink:

My name over here is meant as a picture btw.
ioi is standing for “Banzai”!
“raise your arms”

Can i draw a word for you? Imagine a word and I draw it!

Hope you aren’t calling me Hun

I did as you called me my “friend”. I’ll stop it right now!

please apologise!

As “Hun” (the short term for Honey) should be something friendly I chose it!

lol for sure not!

I’m living far away from you so I can’t harm you!
Just in case you have this wired idea!

Europe -> Americas

yeah hard to fake where you’re from.

Well English is not my native language but feel free to test my German!
Now you know where I’m from

Does Kinderschokolade mean something to you?

You offering me candy pedo?

Y8 Games