Hide Online

Hello how are you, I would like to make a report of a user who could get through the walls and had a lot of life, I would like to speak with a dev or admin to make the corresponding report. Please add me to discord for more info and I can pass you a video with the respective evidence of this “crime”

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I’ll see with developer if we can do anything about it.

hi ankit, i don’t know if you were responding to my comments or batron’s comment. but i hope you were able to read my message regarding the players crashing the game. hopefully can be resolved soon if possible so we can play without worry of some players intentionally crashing the game room and not allowing players to play.

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then use the 3rd weapon bomb

Yes but I just want to introduce myself to make a full description of these options…

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hi @ankit,

problem with some players intentionally crashing the game room and forcing us to reload the game in order to play the game is still occurring. with the error message error message " An error occured running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
Uncauht RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds"

also there is another issue…there appears to be a lag or freeze when playing the game. one moment the playing is normal speed then it freezes/lags for around 3-4 seconds, then back to normal speed. then it lags again, normal, freezes, etc. makes it hard to play the game

please hope can resolves the problems so we can play the game without worry about other players crashing the game and the issue with lagging/freezing, thank you

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ankit can you please answer him, it’s important to you

hey ok so it keep sayi g i have trouble connecting to the severs is the game shut down or something?

why is this so laggy on my computer🧍🏾‍♀️


Best camouflage?

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yeah which sucks :sob:
i still want to get those achievements image image image image image image image image


Clear CHEATERS are sooo annoying

who has facebook , made friend with me , i’m vietnamese

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The game is great, had a lot of fun with it in the past. Got cyber bullied on there and stoped playing it.
Maybe I should get back into it, It’s very fun, once you get to know the maps after each round, things get interesting!!


Hi guys

join my hide online group


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Oh! that’s the dude i talk with him 2 months. I keep calling him cyborg and he got mad but if i called him cyberpunk2077 then he is happy btw what did he said to you? I’m curious.

voy a ver si puedo


hola se jugar a hide online y8

Y8 Games