Hide Online

We catch the error but its Sunday today and developers are not available right now, we’ll fix it tomorrow.

Sceenshot should explain it all.

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I cant play there is generic error

What do you do if it doesnt want to work. at this very moment try and check if its working for you plz:slight_smile:

do you know how to lock in this game.

We fix the game, please try to play in other browser and if still dont work try this link

or clear browser cache.

It should work fine now, in the same browser you used to play before.
In worst case, if it still shows same error, try clearing browser’s cache.

Clearing browsing data seemed to work for me!

Everyone experiencing the generic error, just do as above.

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cool, enjoy playing.

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Cleaned browsing data and cache. Works for 10 seconds and that’s it! Still having the same error.

This is the error:

Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://storage.id.net/y8-studio/unity/akeemywka/hide_online_v6/index.html?ratio_tolerant=true?ratio_tolerant=true’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Tried adding http and https before the link , still not working. Seems to be a problem with cache I think.

Managed to solve it by playing it in an incognito tab since it is not downloading cache/cookies!

I cleared my browser history and now it works well. Thanks for the solution, three days without playing was sad :smiley:

Me too whats happend

i cant log in can a:cry:nybody help me😞

same issue on both chrome and firefox ?

wow daves qoll\

nekem nem indul el :frowning:

It shows this error after loading ends. Doesn’t let me enter the game… What should I do to be able to log in?

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what happened they told us the code tailed over and over again:confounded:

i can confirm that both chrome and firefox have the same error code. also tried clearing history but still not working.

Y8 Games