Game: Hide Online
I cannot play the game. When I log in, it says “An error occurred with the game server.” I tried and waited for a few days but it still there and I can’t play it. The internet connection is still good. Can you help me with this?
Hi, track this topic to stay informed about Hide online https://forum.id.net/t/hide-online/2710/742
Code: Generic/unknown HTTP err…
ces difficile de ce connecter et de pouvoir jouer
Developer is working should be fixed soon.
what time do you think it will be ready
few issues have been resolved and few left should be fixed soon.
i keep getting errors in the middle of the game
screenshot ?
hide online keeps saying error
yeah same
wont let me play either it says report error its sad the game looked cool
Won’t let me play. it says there is an error, but i have connection
me two cooljae sorry about this
i tried again it did not work again