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Do you guys still update this game, still waiting on the maps… :frowning:

give me gun
let me mouse


hey guys


i cant play the game

can you plz add more maps bc im getting tired of the sme mp over and over again

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i keep getting errors FIX IT!!!

Where are the maps that you are working at?
Can you refresh the info, please?
Adding other tracks would be nice, I like this game so much

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Hi I would like more maps, Becuase Its easy if you just play this game for hrs and hrs then you memorize the whole building please add more we been begging:slight_smile:[quote=“EitaPlays, post:266, topic:2710, full:true”]


can u add more maps

it works on the apple mac computers on firefox but on google chromebooks it doesn’t work
can you fix that plz

yea mine says im cheating and i dont!! D:

I want to play so bad but an error pops up.

its awesome iv’e been playing this everyday whooi!

my internet is very good I don’t have idea why I cant join proble says:try restart your game why

me too


hyvä peli

Y8 Games