
Perhaps you’re experiencing a bug?.. I recall a glitch that sounds exactly like that.


So you think Bomber is a good long range hero?

Gunner is my baby. Don’t diss my baby pls bby.

If they’re so weak, maybe you should refute them? The fact is, hail raiser sucks at long range. Pocket Nuke is a melee so it sucks at range. Flare bomb has the stupid arc trajectory thing so it sucks at range. Only thing Bomber has that’s good at range is Mini Launchers.

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What is it there for me to refute? A player who hasn’t the slighest idea of how Bomber works and has a twisted concept of the game itself trying to play semantics regarding an obvious topic. I already explained to you all you needed to know, you can check all of it by yourself just by playing the game and yet you fail at seeing how everything works. Just look at your arguments, I try my best to not to laugh. See this…

What the holy f is wrong with you bringing that stuff up in the first place? Do you actually think that just by farting with your jetpack you will hit that sniper standing in the tallest tower in Training Arena? Between all the melee abilities, Bomber’s Pocket Nuke has a “long-range” under normal judgement and it’s by far one of the most useful skills in the game that also has a painful cooldown. That’s it. No more, no less. Do you actually have something else to bring that negates that? I don’t know, perhaps you want to argue about how by pressing E you can’t reach the sun or something.


Please, define “skills”.

In fact, i’m asking it to the whole community.

Here you go, sir: http://prntscr.com/d7848s

Skills as in something you gain, rather than using blaster. if you use blaster, you will just be smashing button. sniping on the other hand requires practice and skill.

And bleeding eyes sometimes :joy:

For certan heroes u need more skill to ‘master’ them or reach close to maximum level of that hero. Thats why i called bomber tactical. U learn what to use against other heroes. Then u gotta do right timing with him and always have ur Q. And yeah,it is possible to always have Q.

For gunner u gotta find style that works for u with dodging and land nice shots.

If a player is poisoned or burring and they enter the teams base there on the DoT does not stop so they will be kill in there base (but to answer you the Gunner’s Rail Gun at one time stated that it goes throw cover, any force walls.)(now its just lag)

“The Rail Gun deals more damage the further you are from your target. In addition, when using the scope, landing a headshot will deal additional damage and briefly apply the ‘bell rung’ debuff to your target, slowing their movement and disabling their weapons and E skill.” (is the distance buff true) and both weapons can have there overall performance incrusted with Tactical Crouch.

Shatter Bomb: “Launches an anti-armor ballistic explosive, which applies a “shattered” debuff that lowers target defense. It does high damage for a bomb, with mediocre blast radius. Particularly useful against heavy classes (high armor stat) and groups of tightly packed enemies. The debuff compounds the assault rifle very well, sometimes doubling the weapon’s effective DPS.” ,Back to what I quoted, The Shatter bomb can damage targets throw the shielding gate ways so a player in a base can be injured or killed (this AoE bug/shield bug i.e. The shield does not block the explosion only the bomb from entering).

One more bug where players can be kill in base is on Shuttle Bay a Tech can place a turret in a spot so it can be damage because its out of the map and the turret can fire strata into the opponents base, or an opponent can just asked like a living pin ball and bout around the four spots where the Haze Bomb bug are and Bug there way into re-spawning into the opponents base.

Are the game owners focused on just removing hackers at the moment or are they multitasking?

Oh and my favourite(s) class(s) is Tech but these hackers have rowing its good name (same with bugs) but I like it just because I could make half the team I’m in stay stating after any group attack agented us and just placing my mines near heal pick ups, whacking the kill board light up, and lastly kill wave of force (or just two assassins) as the Tech. (general game play)

Then next is Gunner; sliding out of the base to the pay load on space stashes then finding a player moving the pay load and as I’ve locked on and have just jumper over as I throw a bomb then front flipping over them landing behind them then crouch done and finishing them of (shooting at then the hole time), all the times I kill an appoints with a Chopper Kick, the time(s) when my game freeze (files like time hast stop) an a tank haze there hammer just about to hit my charter in the face and have time to thing “and it was at this moment he know he ***** up” then getting destroyed or just dodging or Chopper Kick-ing them and then destroying them (two times so far)) and just general game play.

Then Bomber and Assassin. (will change over time, and there are no real resins yet) (As a player who like having Assassins attacking me can you plz make it harder to see them when there clocked…devs, and assassin ushers don’t be so predictable)(not that I have my far shear of deaths).

Dislike Shocker because of there infants/longest stun (all other stying attacks are easier to get out of)


the strong points of bomber are the stuns and slow-downs as well as being able to pressure the capture point from a range

sadly support spam is too OP right now to be taken down by a bomber, and tanks are better at countering it anyway, so until supports and tank get nerfed i do think that it is a little useless. not due to its own fault, just shockers/tanks being too powerful

but in a capping match without support classes (rare!) bomber shines as one of the most helpful classes


Got ur point todotuna :heartbeat:
we talked more about normal matches,in space station is not possible to create support spams (they tried and failed). Against full support team ill rather go with 4 tanks,2 blazers,1 gunner and 1 blaster haha. Its also important who creates support spam and who is ‘tanking’.
Yesterday i actually had fun match in space station against 4 tanks as bomber. 34-5 kdr. And about 15 assists. Ill explain one thing about bomber and why he can be so fun while playing.



i accept this


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most definitely

We ban glitchers. Refreshing is glitching. Therefore it’s ban worthy. If you catch someone doing it record a video and report them.

by that definition double slashers on scout and assassins using panic bomb on blazers should be banned too


Stick to topic @Rizen. This is not ‘report players’.

@toadfish i doubt that panic bomb is glitch. Like shocker is anti-assassin,assassin is ant-blazer. Aka direct counter.


What constitutes as a glitch worthy of banning? Apart from refreshing.

@InvisibleKiller786 same goes for u. This is not a topic about banning and glitching ._.


Back to suggestions.
How about limiting 1 tank per team and 1 tech and shocker support per team?

Y8 Games