
When do you wanna play

What rank are you in

i often plays fft and im rank major becuase i played fft since 2015 but i left the whole year since 2016 i should be coporal or g1

i have blaster and assassin and commando

Did they purposely change that or it’s a known/unknown webgl bug?

im also rank major and have Blaster,Assasin,and Blazer

Webgl issue. U can nooice it easily on weapons like Hail and Needlers, not only HMG. Even rail misses a lot, shot just pass over target and don’t register it at all. So many times I didn;t move my crosshair even for 1mm, first hit did dmg, second and potencially third nothing.

great :smiley: well i often play fft becuase i get bored
maybe some times i see you
are you asia or europe
go to europe becuase it has a lot of players and may i see you


Im usually around us because of low ping but i will try to play in europe



I would like to be a hero

Hi, there isn’t a best hero, they are all excellent except the tech for now which is buggy. I would tell you the gunner, versatile, fast, precise, medium, short and long distance. Then if you want to go close the Commander is an excellent solution, strategically I would say the scout and if you want to break the enemy barrier the Blaster, instead the Tank to protect your field, it depends on your playing style and on the other opponents what so 'they have.

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Idk anything

Y8 Games