Hello everyone who doesn't like anime just talk here

Hello everyone who doesn’t like anime just talk here :speech_balloon:

Why not the general chat thread

Hello there.

Oh okay, I see.

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Who is aurora’s boyfriend???

Sorry for being clingy,but I think she asked for username…

Maybe find out yourself

Its @Battle_Moose or @The_Moose

Lol I made all that up

You guys love the drama , I know nothing about Aurora. It’s just fun to stir the pot.

All I know of Aurora is she was pretty nice to me,but I said stuff I shouldn’t have. Got mad made stuff up.
I’m not a very nice person sometimes but that’s me


I am so confused right now. Who exactly are you @Jessie1.

a reminder from our moderators
please do not mention banned users

Oh okay, but why?

i mention banned users and flag @sora2 post
then i got suspended
it was that scary

Oh… okay.

right so this girl Lina is going to stay here forever?
Look at what she did
i did not want her to be talking in this topic
So shes muted by me

Who banned that poor people???

I know none of these people except for Fletcher.

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