Has the FFT developers abandon the game?

As a familiar player of FFT since 2018, I’ve seen the developers have been compilating on creating a medals system. So, my question is, have the developers of FFT officially abandon the game?


maybe, it doesnt updating like these weeks now

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I think I may have some ideas for the game.

Idk… idk what are FFT’s even I just know games
Like…simple … games…

because you are… :skull_and_crossbones:

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but apparently Freefall Tournament does not load properly on the y8 website.

Either it just don’t work when I try to play or maybe I just got banned :rage:

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It has 35,088,757 play times But why It’s not loading whats wrong with it i tried to load but it did not on y8 I will try to load on other websites maybe it will be loaded…I guess so

Ima ask Chatgpt

Chatgpt is so changed
he said
As an AI, I don’t have direct access to real-time data or events happening in the world. However, I can provide information and insights based on the knowledge I was trained on, up until January 2022. If you have any questions or need information on a particular topic, feel free to ask!
He also said
As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have specific information about the current status of Freefall Tournament or its developers. Game development can be complex, and the status of individual games can change over time due to various factors such as resource allocation, development priorities, or changes in the gaming industry.

If you’re curious about the current status of Freefall Tournament and whether the developers have officially abandoned the game, I would recommend checking official sources such as announcements from the game’s developers or publishers, community forums, or social media channels for any updates. These sources may provide insights into the current status of the game and any future development plans.

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Y8 Games