Games similar to FFT 🎮

You guys know of any good games similar to fft? I could play something else while fft is mending.

TF2 and OW look similar but I haven’t played them.

I will try TF2

TF2 is pretty sucky though, imo.


Never tried it but I know OW is more popular.

tf2 is amazing. play it. then play ow if u want. seriously if u wanna play tf2 hit me up. thats like, my game dude. (well, after fft). ow is okay. it’s crowded and spammy at times. it’s fun after a little bit, but it’s a bit expensive. if you want to play overwatch, get it now. it’s cheap because of the one year anniversary thing rn. btw, if you can run fft you can run tf2/ow on low settings, at least.

overwatch is MUCH easier from an aiming/movement point of view but harder in terms of strategy and gamesense. tf2 is good if you want to shoot things. i would say tf2 is much harder overall, to the point where i havent seen many people below 2k hours who are actually considered good in that game. and honestly, it isn’t fun until you get to at least a hundred hours. everything’s pretty confusing in tf2 for a while, but it’s worth the wait. if you look at overwatch pros, a bunch of them were tf2 pros first. tf2 players are kings in ow simply because if you can aim in tf2 aim in ow is ridiculously easy. i main genji in ow and lately ive had like 50+% accuracy. genji isnt even a class where high accuracy is needed. like i said, tf2 is harder: tf2 superpros generally have above 8k hours in the game while most ow superpros have 1.5-2k or under.

so yeah. dont pay attention to people who say tf2 is dying; it’s still huge and wont actually die for a while. it’s free and easy to customize. it’s rewarding, far more rewarding than ow imo. aim is harder, play is more fun. try tf2, and if you dont like it after a while go try ow i guess.

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Why are you guys saying tf 2 and ow?
They’re fps games.

Because FFT is not FPS game…

And if u are looking for similar game, I dunno. Ow/TF2/Paladins…depends do u want to pay for it or not.
If u go for ‘similar/multiplayer shooter’. Other than that, maybe u can try some other type like MMORPG/MOBA. These can be fun too.

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I was sarcastic.

You were also right.

Tribes: Ascend

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Warframe smh.

If you love playing as a robotic space ninja then you should pretty much fall in love with the game. Active community and over all a pretty sick game to play.
It was also rated as number one for the best free to play games, I think it still stands (imo)
Its a fast paced game with a lot of ninja movements, wall running, gliding etc.
Graphics wise its by far the best for a game which runs free-to-play. Yes,the game is super grindy and if you have a lot of time on your hands or maybe even a couple of hours should let you get somewhere in the game, If you have friends that would like to play with you you’ll have twice the fun and more help.
Joining clans allow you to interact with players that may even be higher than you and a lot more experienced than you or even the same level. It also allows you to builds weapons that can only be obtained by joining clans and also contributing to the clan is a huge thing.

This is sort of a review on the game tbh, I love playing the game. I have it both on my ps4 and my setup.

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Watched the gameplay. Incredible game! Will definitely try it.

Great game. Has many similarities to fft.

Sounds great!

Hope you have fun playing it.

Wf has the best community i’ve ever seen in some game. But game itself is not similar at all to FFT, it’s grinding mostly.
I would recommand it, but seems like he asked for similar games to FFT.

Its kind of similar, not completely but sort of is.

Both of them are fast paced, based on out of space, robotics.

True,it is grindy but its pretty worth it to see yourself look amazing which ever frame you use once you’re done with farming for it.

Games which are similar in every way and are exactly like that of FFT is not even a thing if you ask me.

Think about it,if you had the chance to go for Warframe or OW based on the community, graphics and gameplay quality…Which would you choose?

I would choose warframe any day.

It’s sorta tricky question right there and depends what player likes most, it’s completly different playstyle.


  • lots of planets
  • lots of different game modes, personally I found most fun for me defending
  • different frames and fun ones (again, depends what ppl likes to play as support role, dps, tanky)
  • bunch of weapons
  • many ways to move such as bullet jump and rest
  • friendly community and no one bashes u for build that u run with (or frame)
  • runs even on bad PCs
  • devs working on updates

-after some time becomes repetitive

  • most boring game if u run solo
  • low number of slots for frames and weapons
  • ppl in trade chat overprice stuff (a lot of them, more in NA than in EU server)
  • or u gonna invest 2k hours or u gonna invest some $ for platinum
  • hydroid laaaag
  • making ur frame productive in higher levels takes a lot of time and money to max primed mods
  • forma is for really boring. If it takes 1 forma for all, fine, but some weapons take 5-7, frames 3-4 and reseting ur abilities and such to make it max again…as I said, boring.


+any new map/hero is free, not coming with dlc which is very important

  • friendly devs
  • can work solo or in a group, but with group is more fun
  • huge choice between heroes
  • graphics looks nice even on low
  • PvE events are really fun and challenging
  • chance to get time limited skins from gaining loot boxes in the game/leveling
  • 27.000.000 players and more
  • for a new player, there is a lot of youtube stuff to check out and help in gameplay

-loot box system. as I said, it is possible to gain via leveling, but this is rough calculation: 46 voice lines, 20-30 player icons, around 40 sprays and few new skins, emotes, highlight intro. to be fair, players mostly care for skins, than higlight intros and emotes, voice lines often random (got nothing to do with current event) and getting them without buying 100 loot boxes…lel. Not gonna mention they cost a lot, duplicate legendary only 200 cash and entire system is ‘low chance to get 2 skins, grind for it and at the end u gonna end up not getting it’

  • competitive is broken. from smurfs, to matching lvl 30 with lvl 400, ppl don’t know what or how to play, solo is pain, some heroes gains less points than others
  • easy to get triggered and can be stressful game
  • trolls or toxic community
  • becomes repetitive
  • some rebalancing was wrong
  • gotta pay for the game, Origins edition is not worth it (except 76, all skins are crappy)
  • heroes can be boring. mostly have 1 weapon and the best part of it is ultimate

So thats generally my experience with these 2 games. FT2 I won’t comment because I ended up playing it half hour and didn’t like it, but can see why game is fun to many ppl.
I do like to play some game on a long run, then take a break from it and come back later. With both games im on a break right now, both are great for me and both have frustrating sides. Since I like nice cosmetics, I would give plus there for Wf since cosmetics, even if u use real money (tennogen stuff), u know that u are getting it 100%, not as random drop based on luck aka u know what u paid for.

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