Game update

Hello everyone.

I’m new here.

I uploaded a game (Zadi Goes Home), but it has not been published. I actually want to update the game before it goes live.

How do I do that? Please anyone? @tomas.b @Ankit

Hi :wave: Just send in MP a new production link (example: and we will update your current game

The system did not allow me to put link because I’m new. Please give me your email address.

Also, what do you mean by MP?

It should be good now. I updated your status.

I mean DM (direct message) :smiley:

Ok, thank you very much. You’re very kind :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

This is the link:

Also when is it going to be live?

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If it passes the requirements it should go quickly.

I see that the game screen is small and in the middle of a black screen, is this intentional?

Yes, it’s intentional.

Can I quickly correct it and give you the full screen version?


Ok, this is it

Sorry for the stress :pray:t3: :pray:t3: :pray:t3:
Let me know when the game is live

Y8 Games