Freefall Tournament .-

** Freefall Tournament DESCRIPCIÓN DEL JUEGO:

El año 2027 le trajo esperanza a un mundo al borde del colapso ambiental y político. En las últimas de su financiamiento, la Misión Espacial Unida (USM) de NATO hizo un descubrimiento en la luna que cambió el curso de la historia de la humanidad. Se encontró una enorme esfera metálica en un cráter lunar, se reveló que se trata de un artefacto alienígena que contiene un mensaje para la humanidad. Mientras un equipo internacional descifra lentamente el artefacto, el contenido de este mensaje comenzó a catalizar un gran avance en nuestra tecnología. La humanidad fue catapultada abruptamente a una nueva era interestelar. Hay quienes creen que no estábamos preparados.

FreeFall Tournament - un juego de disparos en tercera persona con temática de marines espaciales

Combates en equipos intensos y rápidos. Animación y control de camera que te hacen sentir como un marine espacial… superhumano. Tiene todo: jetpacks, armadura, martillos, espadas, armas, bombas, en melé, por rangos y combate aéreo. Tanques aplastados con martillos, mortales Scouts rebanando a sus enemigos por la mitad con sus katanas, los diferentes jetpacks para todas las clases crean un combate aéreo dinámico, francotiradores disparando desde el otro lado del mapa, torretas y tecnología de curación. ¡Lanza hasta bombas atómicas! Todos los jetpacks te permiten saltar y volar por el mapa ganando impulso y velocidad.

La velocidad y coordinación combinada del equipo determina al ganador del torneo. Elige luchar como uno más de un equipo en ascenso en partidas de 10-20 minutos. Por favor, juégalo, no es como los otros shooters.

Buscalo en Y8 no necesita adobe flash por lo que es mejor

Juegalo un rato es muy bueno y divertido espero los like si te gusto**

Did you think all the people in the forum are speaking Spanish?

i would read this. but to bad its in espanol.

The year 2027 brought hope to a world on the brink of environmental and political collapse. In the last of its funding, NATO’s United Space Mission (USM) made a discovery on the moon that changed the course of human history. A huge metallic sphere was found in a lunar crater, revealed to be an alien artifact containing a message for humanity. As an international team slowly deciphers the artifact, the contents of this message began to catalyze a breakthrough in our technology. Humanity was abruptly catapulted into a new interstellar era. There are those who believe we were unprepared.

FreeFall Tournament - a space marine-themed third-person shooter.

Intense and fast-paced team combat. Animation and camera control that makes you feel like a space marine… superhuman. It’s got it all: jetpacks, armor, hammers, swords, guns, bombs, melee, ranged and aerial combat. Tanks smashed with hammers, deadly Scouts slicing their enemies in half with their katanas, the different jetpacks for all classes create dynamic aerial combat, snipers shooting from across the map, turrets and healing technology. Throw in atomic bombs! All jetpacks allow you to jump and fly across the map gaining momentum and speed.

The combined speed and coordination of the team determines the winner of the tournament. Choose to fight as one of a rising team in 10-20 minute matches. Please play it, it’s not like other shooters.

Look it up on Y8 it doesn’t need adobe flash so it is better.

Play it for a while, it’s very good and fun, I hope you like it**.

The year 2027 brought hope to a world on the brink of environmental and political collapse. In the last of its funding, NATO’s United Space Mission (USM) made a discovery on the moon that changed the course of human history. A huge metallic sphere was found in a lunar crater, revealed to be an alien artifact containing a message for humanity. As an international team slowly deciphers the artifact, the contents of this message began to catalyze a breakthrough in our technology. Humanity was abruptly catapulted into a new interstellar era. There are those who believe we were unprepared.

FreeFall Tournament - a space marine-themed third-person shooter.

Intense and fast-paced team combat. Animation and camera control that makes you feel like a space marine… superhuman. It’s got it all: jetpacks, armor, hammers, swords, guns, bombs, melee, ranged and aerial combat. Tanks smashed with hammers, deadly Scouts slicing their enemies in half with their katanas, the different jetpacks for all classes create dynamic aerial combat, snipers shooting from across the map, turrets and healing technology. Throw in atomic bombs! All jetpacks allow you to jump and fly across the map gaining momentum and speed.

The combined speed and coordination of the team determines the winner of the tournament. Choose to fight as one of a rising team in 10-20 minute matches. Please play it, it’s not like other shooters.

Look it up on Y8 it doesn’t need adobe flash so it is better.

Play it for a while, it’s very good and fun, I hope you like it**.

:+1:t2: :+1:t2:

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