Flash SDK logging process and use in IOS & Android app


well first, thanks for all that work.

I’m using Flash Pro CC (latest version)
I notice that the sdk automatically logs in with my current user account on the id.net website when I’m testing it locally.
Is it possible to prevent that ?

I need a way to know if I should ask the user to connect to its account or not. So a way to know what the sdk has initialized and if it logged in a user automatically or not.

Also, is it possible to use the flash sdk within an air app for IOS & Android. I remember the IOS platform not allowing the loading of external libs within an app, thus making the use of that sdk impossible.

Thanks !

Hi NoRabbit!

welcome :smile:
Regarding IOS/Android yes sadly sdk can’t be used, our mobile sided games going to use JS sdk as those will be html5.

A tech will update you regarding your Flash Pro CC question asap.

Feel free to create more threads or shoot complementary questions!


For this, check for type “autoLoginFail” in the handleIDNET function. You can test this by calling idnet.logout(). Afterwards, the autoLoginFail type will be triggered.

It should be possible to get the Flash SDK working in AIR but we don’t officially support Adobe Air at this time. So it hasn’t been tested at all. As Guy mentioned, it’s better to use the JS SDK for mobile and in general JS has more native mobile support.

Hope this helps. Cheers

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thanks for the answers, I’ll try this out and keep you informed.

Y8 Games