FFT STEAM Bug + Player report thread

So, because I haven’t spent a full $5 on steam, I cannot use the community discussion board on steam regarding FFT. I am going to assume that others will run into this as well. Therefore I think we should have a y8 discussion thread for the steam version, for any apparent bugs or unruly players.

I’ll start.
There is a tech that seems to know how to make his turret float in midair…

Also, I was in a room with Surgeon, Ken, TuPapa, Bogoga, etc, it was basically all generals and marshals. Everyone was kicking everyone’s butt…but then I get loaded to the lobby and when I go back, all the rooms are empty. This always seems to happen on the really intense games.

well the turret in mid air happens alot to me on space station its a bug that happens sometimes when the payload moves
the lobbys seem to close about every 100 games not sure why

these bugs are on browser and steam

The developers have an open task to add a warning when the server is going to reset… but we would prefer to have a more elegant solution even than that (it will still be annoying getting a count-down when you’re having fun).
Ideally it would not be required to reset the server except maybe once per day, but currently it needs more than that… We are discussing possible approaches to minimise the game disruption, as we fully understand that when you get into a good match you want to keep going!

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Thank you. :slight_smile:
Since the steam version runs so well, is it in the plans to increase the room size up to 16 players?

I don’t know exactly what size is planned, but we are definitely looking to create some larger rooms for Steam players only.
We haven’t given up hope for bigger rooms on WebGL either, but that requires network optimisation so it is a large task.

Cool :smiley:
Steam says I’m getting 60fps almost all the time, probably wouldn’t be a problem to having the bigger rooms. ^^
Hopefully tiny dock and lft only rooms can be a thing again too.
For the webgl, if there were new smaller maps introduced, those maps in particular might be able to handle increased players without overloading the browser.

Lastly for now, is there any news on the steam transfer tool? I can imagine it might be steam themselves having a conflict with allowing old accounts in. And once I transfer, what happens to the new account it gave me and I’ve been playing on of the same name? Can the xp/cash be combined?

I am currently working on the Steam linking tool and it is coming along nicely.
The design is that you login on the WebGL version of your old account, enter your Steam account name, then it gives you a secret code (like the Kong transfer tool did). Next you login the Steam game and press a ‘link my accounts’ button… enter the secret code and bingo, your Steam account will be using your old WebGL data.
Currently you will lose any progress or cash you made in Steam, there will be a BIG warning about this! However now you mention it, it would be nice if we can combine xp and cash - I’ll talk to management about this possibility.


Yes please. It would be good if the progress is added. :slight_smile:

What if we buy slugs on steam now? Will those be added after account transfer?

In regards to z-cash and XP I am not certain yet, but for Slugs I can guarantee that we will add those to your existing balance.

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Ok thanks. And what about skins and requisitions?

Not those unfortunately. The way they are stored in the database makes it a really big job to add them to another account.

Oh too bad. Anyway thanks.

Y8 Games