Feedback on 8v8 rooms

Would be nice to see what experience ppl have with these rooms, so anyone who played in 8v8 rooms, give ur feedback here.

How it went for me is when 12-13 of us were in the room, all was fine, but as soon as room went on 15-16 ppl, lag was really heavy, still playable, but far from enjoyable, I would pick 6v6 rooms instead and have a smooth game.

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Yeah 8v8 is pretty smooth for me at the first match but 2-3 matches later it starts to lag

3v3 would be better a.k.a Tiny Dock

For now i play 6v6, mostly

It was super smooth for me when Joll was testing 8v8


My very first match was bit more laggy but it was still okay, I guess. Any that I played after that (in dock) was really laggy. Something as Tank mauler wasn’t that bad to play compared to Asassin/Gunner/Bomber/Commando

From what most people are saying, they’re are mostly seeing a lot of guests accounts. So I don’t think the demand for large rooms is as high as it used to be a few years ago.

Y8 Games