Error to load the game LIKE A KING


I can not upload an image of the problem because I am a newbie on this forum, apparently, so I post you the error message:

Erreur lors du chargement du jeu. Vérifiez votre connexion Internet” (French)
Error loading game. Check your Internet connection

It happens between 30 and 60% loading.
If I click on OK it goes looping.

I tried on an other network with my phone (4G) = same problem.
I tried on others browsers and in a private window of my browser = It works but I don’t have my progress anymore.

What can I do?

Thx in advance

The game is working normally for me

Seriously? :tired_face:

New bug this evening: the game stay blocked on the screen of the knight on his horse galloping, and gallo-ping, and gallo-ping again . . .

(I still cannot upload image)

I have forgotten to precise: the first bug disappeared by itself

The game is back, by itself . . .

That’s the return of the bug!

Erreur lors du chargement du jeu. Vérifiez votre connexion Internet” (French)
Error loading game. Check your Internet connection

Game is back, by itself, one more time . . .

Oui c’est effectivement embêtant. Mais c’est un problème de serveur du site hébergeur. Nous ne pouvons pas faire grand chose de notre côté : /

Et alleeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!

Regood, and resh*t !

Youpi, the game is back!

Y8 Games