ok guys if you have a crush what should you ask him or her but mostly him
Just tell her/him how you feel.
I tried all that comes out is gibberish
Hmm, I guess it depends on how old you are
lol I see you got jokes I am 13 lol
I wasn’t joking. when I was 13, I had the same problem you are going through right now
oh well how old are u now if u don’t mind me asking
lol sorry wow I mean how is it like being 17
very busy, don’t play games as much like I used to. I can hardly put my time to work on my game dev project.
oh ok do you have a gf
im just asking
oh ok
if I ask u out what would u say
No because I don’t do online dating and I have a crush on someone else. The reason I don’t do online dating is because I like to actually see the person irl rather than looking at the screen to do it.
what kind of man are you to online dating that realy the follish thing you will do.
be his friend and descover what food he like and also his attitude and be good at her.