Construct2 plugin

After adding the plugin, the game ceased to run. Sent to the competition without services :frowning:

You might try to download the latest version and submit an update by email.

In latest version everything should be working fine. What exactly it stopped working? Any error is returned?

Hi everybody,
Plugin is working well! Everything goes smooth when making or previewing the game, but when I tried the HTML5 exported version, the game stopped working whenever the init function was called. No error message or anything, the game was just blocked.
Iā€™ve tried many things, checked the appId, I thought it was broken, but I finally made it work by unchecking ā€œMinify scriptā€ when exporting.

I was wrong :d
I was talking about the highscores, which are working well.

But today I tried to use the online saves. I couldnā€™t do it.
Saving and loading seem ok.

But whenever I want to load something, I need to use right after loading IDNet.GateOnlineSavesData, isnā€™t it?
The problem is that everytime I use that expression GateOnlineSavesData, I get that error message :

Iā€™d really appreciate any help.

I will see this bug, and then will write, when will upload new version

Hello everyone.
I upload version of plugin with fixed on repository

Hey codir, GateOnlineSavesData still doesnā€™t work :[

What kind of bug? What is written in the console?

Y8 Games