Confirmation email FAILED!

When my BF did the register account the next step is the confirmation of email, now when he go to check the inbox for see the email, we can see that not received yet! we have 20 minutes with this problem, we have any method for fix this situation?


sorry to hear that, I’ll ask our developers team to look into it but for now can you please tell me his email or username.

username: 4znb3bigal

:hourglass_flowing_sand: @Ms.GipnoL did you BF inter his email correctly if it hade anything wrong it could of be sent to someone ells or to no one so you may need to just make a now account for the game, if the developers can’t resend the confirmation email.

In any case if some one ells reserved this email and they activate it that sill can play as that account, well not with out the passwords, so if it does get activate since you BF has the password and username they can use it, if it get activated.:hourglass:


cant find such username or email in the database, are you talking about “FFT” the game ?

I have been trying to log in many times, i even changed the password but i cant come in the game.
I can see my heroes and my main profile but as soon as i try to come in a server it keeps asking me for the password.
I can see nobody is in the server now, i guess everybody are having this problem today.

Yes dear! but dunt worry we will our beloved nick… now he is using W4RF4R3
THANKS BTW! can close this thread.

Y8 Games