A new exiting game is under development, game where you face powerful enemies, game where you will scavenge Earth for weapons, resources and health packs. Game where the living dead should stay dead, and it will be your job to secure their headshooted passage back to their graveyard.
Yep, Rezer is coming in a revamped edition! Inspired by the Road of the Dead (made by Evil-Dog Marco), containing a unique inventory pack which made Resident Evil 4 to become one of the hardest RPG around, and wrapped with the never-ending fun of slaying zombies and wandering around, here are some sneak picks of Rezer 2 development!
Image soon to be added
The age of the images, has arrived! Enjoy facing sketch of the brainless, but also highly interested in eating brains, angry zombies from ReZer 2 game!