Can someone teach me how to do shock wave

Everyone does it shockwave and i can’t

You mean the one from the turret or bubble shield?

Well if that is what you mean you need to play Tech or Shocker then just place the turret/shield and when it is ready to use agen go back to the turret/shield you placed and lock on to it (so you don’t miss and just move it) then press the button you use to place it but this time it will be upgrade from I to II then do it agen to get to III and form now own when you lock on to it and use the button that places it a shockwave well be shot out the well remove a focus forces field.

Your Aegis or suppressor has to be level 3. Once it’s level 3 and you have your Q loaded once more you can use the shockwave.

But if your talking about the small silver pulse that comes from shocker as the “shockwave” then it is his ‘E’ ability. if it not that or what rja12 said then we are not sure what you are talking about.

E for tech is shockwave?

Ok thanks

Innervate is shockers E ability, Nano Surge is from Tech.
He is asking for Shockwave, when ur Aegis is maxed. He prolly saw some hacker.


So can u guys play with me

Yup i saw hacker


GO in match and find some friends there, sure there is someone who wanna play with u.

everyone here says this why?

maybe u guys r busy

Most of us who reply are moderators. We don’t have really time to play normally :slight_smile:

I no moderator… I just got bad Wi-Fi and no credit and the one I’m using right now blocks the game so I can only play like for one day a month, so tuck me hole year to get to Maj. (been in game for total of I don’t know but it no more then ?) is stead of like ? days or so.

Ok then

FeelsBadMan lol , i suggest playing with blade, kuram, and invis there nice and friendly to newcomers like yourself kappa

where r them

That was a joke sorry, most of us are real nice if not a little sarcastic. As you play more you will find more people that will talk to you. It is coming up on my fourth year playing this game (yay! i love this game) and i have met so many great characters.

Ok im tired


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