🎉 REBALANCING 🎉 (voting open until 6/16/2018)

Ah sorry, but please keep comments up with topic. Question wasn’t about Tank here, but I’ll still answer. We are aware of many not-so-fun things in the game and also of weakness, so all classes will go over some change.

Everyone can use it by bounding on macro, jokes on u.

U want another ‘smaller’ version of Blaster? It takes less than a week to learn DS. It takes months to learn Gunner, yet I don’t do 50k crit with hits.

Also do give proper answer on this. SMG scouts exist anyways, so do AR gunners.
I’ll just say the facts right now:

  • majority of ppl didn’t play Scout DS because of ‘how skillfull it is’ but because of damage it provides (u are just proving it right now)
  • any person that did show interest for DS, has learnt it (even I can do it, and I’m not even using it)
  • with Steam launch HOPEFULLY gonna be more challange considering there is more hardcore players/older players and these players for sure gonna know better about macro than the current ones
  • ya all want bugs/glitches to be fixed but not giving up on game breaking one?
  • in case u didn’t notice, I avoid ‘dumb/cheap things’ such as abusing Tanks bubble to maximum (I use it mainly to break support spam or in fight vs another heavy), playing Blaster, DS on Scout/Assassin/Tank, relying on Stim pack and running in base when I don’t have it, AR/SMG spam ft Shatter/Haze spam, so sorry DS is just cheap as other things are (while other things gonna get removed, every single of it)
  • as I said, DS everyone can do. Except players who overall can’t do anything properly

So please do come with valid opinion next time and be objective on things. Not ‘I use this and I consider it good’ because that’s not exuse.

P.S. forgot to say, with upcoming changes, even without DS, Scout will be more capable of facing the enemies such as Tank, Blaster and Assassin. Considering that he gets zero nerfs (in fact, even a small buff), but other classes gonna be nerfed.


And u still keep coming with pointless answers while ignoring important things.

I’m not very good at English, I will try my best.

IMO Things like DS shouldn’t remove, those features make this game deeper than others bland ordinary Third-person Shooter games.
In FFT on average you probably need 2~3 months to grasp true essence of one class, and much more time to become a Pro. (except blaster I guess)

They(Dev.) already make some terribly wrong alter just because probably someone rise the topic loudly and many ppls seconded it. but most of times neither majority or Dev. knows better cause they simply don’t have time to get soaking of every bit of this game.

I recall those Dev. bad changes of FFT.
like boost blaster’s Minigun, reduce damage taken when use "Q "field.
cancelled gunner fast scope snipe(5 frames–5/60 seconds(my pc) won’t drop move speed.
cancelled gunner different sinpe message (with or without scope).
more easier stack AR etc.

The devil is in the details.
Just like tank (your main class I believe?)
the Comet Rush —> in 2/60 seconds(my pc) --> jump skill.
4 types Mauler DS with different hurtbox(2 of them required different frames input while sliding) etc…

Those hidden features make FFT very deep, ultra fun , and make a Pro a Pro.

But most important, In general scout’s DS is not that OP compare with others classes.
for example: scout’s DS stand almost zero chance when facing tank, even tank abandon bubble and bombs, you know that as fact as I do.

FFT do need some tweak, but absolutely not removal the fun and Features parts by doing so.

Some of your thinking were slightly marred.
In theory you can bind DS as Macro, but you won’t want do that cause outcome will not good as you just click it by your own finger.

Assassin’s DS required more skill.

Tank’s DS is most hard to mastery due to many reasons, you may find the total damage is the same as you just keep press down mouse button if you not fully understand the mechanism.

At last I hope Devs. don’t make any rush move. there are many aspects Influence each other, those tweaks needs to be inspection carefully.
even any vote appears lopsided one side.

Although kinda off-topic I would like share some of my personally
priority list of “hope can change”

(1)Gunner’s Crouch, and Kick immune stun from tank’s bomb,blaster’s Rocket,scout’s kick
(2)Gunner’s snipe can penetrated Tank’s Bubble, Headshot can penetrated buckler.

(3)Haze Bomb give scout immune tank’s nuclear bomb stun and only taken half DMG
__ (half DMG only for scout class, immune stun only for the one who drop Haze Bomb)
(4)Scout’s Doped Saber Chop can penetrated Tank’s Bubble.

(5)Bubble Tank can be stunned by any stun mechanism except from Shocker.

(6)Blaster back to old school, no buff Minigun, no reduce damage taken when use Field.

I’m not familiar with Bomber and Commando. Although I think Commando is quite OP.

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I have to correct u on this one and say it’s exact same thing. By pressing one button its like clicking twice on left mouse button. U can’t even tell the difference between these 2 in game nor u would ever know if person uses macro or clicking normally.

This issue lays in mauler high damage and chain stun. Both are melee classes. One has a stun, second doesn’t. It’s pretty obv who gonna win in that fight. Scout is not meant to use ‘only saber’ but both weapons. The only class that uses a single weapon is Commando and legit the only reason is because his secondary weapon is total trash.

Even mentioned here.

Not sure did I understood this well, but Haze does not give immunity in any way. Just disables auto-lock.

Blaster’s Q only reduces a bit of damage, it doesn’t prove a buff for minigun. Even ‘push effect’ damages only on a first hit.

I don’t really have a main class. But let’s say I am good at Tank. Doesn’t mean I think every aspect of him is balanced nor that his damage/whatever else is fair.

To me it seems u want majority of things to be immune on Tanks abilities which simple isn’t alright. What is THE PURPOSE of bubble if anything can pass over it?
As sniper u are supposed to position urself and constantly look openings for shots. If I went with ur suggestions, Gunner would legit melt everything. He already can kill the Tank with 3 shots (4k hp, 1500 ff)

If auto lock on HRL gets removed, he won’t be able to knock down anyone, including Gunner.

Assassins ds literally has no skill. Slide on the ground and hold left click, hit a crit and drain whole hp with one hit is supposed to be skillful? If Tank hits just a first hit with DS (same system as for Assassin), second mauler hit doubles the damage. DS+1 mauler hit=dead scout. DS+2 mauler hits=dead Gunner/Commando.

The only one who made a valid point is actually pointlessfield.

Scout’s play style is rather boring and DS brings at least ‘a bit’ of fun to it. Either way, even if DS remains, gonna pass over a complete rework. Gunners good aim gives him hs ‘as reward’. Scout could do something similar with ‘good play’, just reward won’t be 50k crit damage.

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The tank is the most unbalanced class is able to face any class without problems, just put the shield, start jumping and throwing bombs to the stupid, any inexperienced player knows how to use it, it takes like a week learning, you do not need to be A genius to use it. Also your shield lasts a lot, the bombs not only hurt you a lot but also stun you, it’s faster than the blaster, and you can avoid the murders, just by using the second shield, or the shield of the skill You just run to the base and wait for the skill to regenerate or refresh. It is simply unacceptable, there are fewer valid arguments than with the blaster, you can not defend the indefensible :sonriendo::sonriendo:

That is not my point. I mean overall binding DS with Macro is pointless. it will ony makes your overhall DMG lesser not higher. (don’t feel like talking about details)[quote=“Dea83, post:26, topic:19943”]
This issue lays in mauler high damage and chain stun. Both are melee classes. One has a stun, second doesn’t. It’s pretty obv who gonna win in that fight. Scout is not meant to use ‘only saber’ but both weapons.
What are you talking about!! they are both have Physics melee weapon, (not like Assassin enchant his blade with magic :p) it’s meant to be opponents XD

Oh by the way they altered chain stun from mauler, you can’t perform stun-lock anymore.
If they can give Scout’s Haze Bomb immune tank’s bomb stun effect, along with others changes like my list. I will say there has decent chane become a fight not just a slaughter.

Idk any solid upcoming changes, but judged by the way you bring it, I have bad feeling about it…

I know. I mean its on my “hopefully they can change” list.
__ Haze Bomb give scout immune tank’s nuclear bomb stun and only taken half DMG
__ (half DMG only for scout class, immune stun only for the one who drop Haze Bomb)

I mean the original Blaster. when this class just came out(XD) “Q” Field doesn’t possessed reduces damage function.
And in the past minigun’s DPS is lesser than now.
“Q” Field has nothing to do with minigun’s DPS back then or now.

My suggestions is only snipe and Scout’s “R” chop can hurts Bubble Tank.
And just headshot snipe can pass buckler.

But every stun mechanism(except from Shockers) should pass Bubble Tank(but leave no DMG, just the stunned effect remain)

I don’t even think removed Blasters auto lock on HRL or stunned effect is a brilliant idea.
Like I say many aspects Influence each other, those tweaks needs to be inspection carefully.

Blasters HRL auto lock and stun do their part. stack rockets quite OP though.
If they can make tweaks like my suggestions (1) & (6), others classes have theirs strong side can counter Blaster.

You need to measured distance.

This part is not exactly right…

(1)one mauler + DS != doubles the damage.(NOT because DMG is variable)
(2)mauler’s none slide ground DS hurt-box is very poorly short.
and its fixed not like normal mauler swing.
(3)mauler’s ground DS Attack time = normal mauler Attack time (unless…)

In general speaking: normal mauler’s swing better than mauler’s DS

I agree. that is why my suggestions list mention it.
Tank is one of the easy to use but hard to mastery class tho.

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Ppl use macro to keep constant high damage, mostly in MMOs. Why would i click twice on mouse when I can once, with exact same effect and damage?

Let me rephrase it then for u. Obvoiously Scout gonna have more issue with Tank if he uses only saber consdering mauler has higher damage AND stun. U need 2-3 hits to kill a scout as tank. And obviously melee vs melee is higher risk compared to the ranged vs melee.

In case u didnt notice, u are commenting under poll. I can’t vote 20+ times. Other than that, it’s pretty lame judging something what u didn’t even see or tried yet.

Alright, then u put it wrong originally. I understood how Q currently gives dmg reduction and buffs minigun.

That stunned effect usually leads to death, u know. Whats the point of bubble (again), if he spends the entire duration of it being stunned? To me it seems u rather have some personal issue with Tank, because as Gunner AND Tank player, i’ll just say it’s ur own fault if Tank kills u. Bad aim and/or lack of attention. I ain’t gonna destroy any class (that includes both, Blaster and Tank) just because someone hates them.

Clearly some AAA games thinks its a brilliant idea.

As for anything else.

other way around, it was tested 2 days ago.

can be, but it still stands how second mauler hit after ds for some reason gives more damage.

Tank isn’t most balanced class for sure BUT it’s rather the user. Cooldown of bubble isn’t small at all, it’s on 50 seconds currently and as example Blasters Q is on 25 seconds. Blaster has way too high damage on both weapons and bomb. Tank has way too high damage on mauler. But either way, there is a solution for both, really no need to discuss about Tank on topic not connected with him.

If only modify Blasters, removed Blasters auto lock on HRL or stunned effect is a
rather good idea. But think overrall will be better.


You not think it clearly.

(1)Only when Bubble Tank without SP, then kicked by Scout will be only stunned about
__1 sec, but SP regeneration rate won’t change cause no DMG done.

(2)Regardless of Stunned or not, Bubble Tank can only hurt by snipe or “R” chop.
(3)Bubble Tank still can use buckler block kick(if no SP), chop, snipe at anytime.

All advantageous still on Tank’s side.

Please read the poll again. Question is literally about removing auto lock on Blaster.

Point of buffing or nerfing is to do overall balance, not to buff X class against X class or nerf. What u basically listed is:

  1. give scout immunity on Tanks bomb when he is under Haze effect (makes no sense since Haze only purpose is to remove auto lock)
  2. make Tank not being immune on stuns while using bubble, headshots and chop (lol? how about 90% things)
  3. point of bubble is to have block and use it when are are supposed to deal damage, not to hide behind a buckler AND bubble
  4. give Gunner immunity on tanks bomb (???)
    That’s not rebalancing at all. That is nerfing class to the ground while it reaches point of unusable/good for nothing.

That’s kinda twisted my words ,I only say immune stun(gunner case is when Crouch, and Kick) .

Those my personal suggestions have thier underlying reasons.
Some of them seems to me will be really obviously to see it for someone whom already play this game a while.

I don’t think Dev. will think over it nor trying to argue the balance issue out.
So I will stop here.

Bomb itselt doesn’t deal much damage. If u remove knock back, it’s still partly being immune on ONE SPECIFIC bomb.

I’m not a dev. I’m QA game tester, previously moderator and before that a player. So been playing this game as much as u, if not even more. I’m pretty aware of ‘players perspecive’. Thats why I told u if u have a struggle vs Tank as Gunner, it’s ur own fault for not paying attention on Tank.

I didn’t say Tank doesn’t need a nerf. But it doesn’t need to be nerfed to the ground either. Same for Blaster.

I accept that he is immune during the bubble, but what does not seem right is that this skill lasts so long, they should decrease the time, besides, I do not know if they are aware but before the players left due to the update of WebGL, the games used to start with different classes, and in the middle of the game and end of the game always ended up being a battle a whole team full of Tanks vs another team full of Tanks, this is where one asks the question, because it happened this? The answer is simple, the reason was that the players fell into despair, seeing that all classes did little against the Tank, and to finish the story there was a period in which 60% of the players used that class, a whole chaos, just a lot of the community chose to leave, I am a player who plays since 2012, natural Marshall, and I simply want the best for the game. And I have nothing personal against that class, I consider it good to capture a point.

Petition: I understand that they get upset when users comment on something outside the subject of the post, but in the most humble way, I hope you consider my request, and my request is that I would like more range outside the Sea. Maybe "Mar.2. … "or another name, since there are many Mar. due to the bug of the xp and z-cash, it would also be good if those bugeados are returned to their original range.IT’S JUST A SUGGESTION

-Thanks for your attention


can you tell me about this voting i dont realy understand

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