Some characters I like very much are Kratos for example, his character development is the best I have ever seen, (spoiler alert) his past about being a hatefull monster torments him when he tries to escape from it, I love the symbolism of the games, for example with the Chaos Blades, wherever Kratos goes they follow him, representing that you can´t run from your mistakes, but face them, and the moral of the story shows you that even the worst monster can find redemption, he learns that the Chaos Blades doesn´t represent the mistakes from his past, they will represent what he decides to. The character himself has lots of moments in the last games which show extremely good the development of the character, one example is the symbolism with Thor, as he represents what was Kratos in his past, a destroyer consumed by vengeance, controlled by other gods and going to a point where he thinks nonsense violence is the last what he has, and I love the moment where Kratos and Thor talk, and Thor says something like “T: You dont know what I did, what I DID?! K: I know, but what will you do now?” showing that your actions show what you are, but if you want to make a change, start by the actions of the present. It´s just too good character in my opinion. There are many other characters I like but I don´t want to extend this too much.