Stories for the heroes

I checked in the big ladybird book of heros and it says that scout is a robot

Edit: now that robo’s question has been deleted this statement seems more mental than usual

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“ladybird book”?

and “gun turrets”? that is what a turret is.

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A parasite is basically something the feeds on a host, no need to stat that.

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If you look in the junior encyclopedia of fantastic mythical trivia under the heading, pointless waste of time then that will explain everything you need to know about the ladybird book of heros

P.s Turret is actually the name given to any tower or rotating platform that is smaller in diameter than the base its on


Shhh… i seriously thought this thread was locked… smg

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smg? is that shake my gonads?

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Tank: He was a local tough guy and was respected by many until he started eating at mcdonalds, he became overweight and started claiming that he was “big boned” people started to make fun of him until he finally snapped, he grabbed his hammer and started slamming people on the street. He decided to go the FFT arena to watch heroes fight, but on his way he saw a long line of people, he began slamming everyone infront of him until he unintentionally hit a scout and knocked him out, everybody assumed he was a hero and tank didn’t bother to correct the assumption so he entered the arena as a FFT “hero”.


ULTIMATE guide to getting likes in this fora: post ITT.


I died at mcdonalds.

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Has your burger king sponsorship come through?


hue hue i lyke dat

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Commando: he was a trainee at an aiming camp, however they stopped training him because he couldn’t even hit a training dummy. He decided to become and aiming coach for noobs, he though that teaching them something would boost his confidence, but everyone he taught ended up becoming even worse than before. He began debating with him self about wich weapon to switch to, and after 3 weeks of trying different weapons he decided the shotgun was the easiest to use, so he applied to join FFT, and after killing hundreds upon hundreds of weak and defenseless targets his dream of joining FFT was realized.


The Commando story was meh.


Feel free to amaze us with a story. Since you make such great reviews im guessing you can make great stories.


Don’t get butthurt lol. You posted it, so it’s open for readers to say what we think about it. If I post a story about commando it will be horrible.

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So you weren’t doing the same thing at post 39? lol stop being a hypocrite.

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Well it may seem that way. Ok fine, I loved your story Cyborg. It was so interesting, detailed, and creative.

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i don’t think you understood my point, when i replied to your opinion about my story i wanted to see what you were gonna do, and you were a hypocrite. And ofcourse i know that every reader has the right to give an opinion.

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oh thats kung fu panda:joy:

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